Greta Thunberg burns Donald Trump’s Biden Investigation lie

Estocolmo, Sweden

“Have a very happy birthday”, la ambient activist Sweden, Greta Thunberg, in a burlesque tone, took to Twitter to announce the departure of Donald Trump from the presidency of the United States, in exactly the same words as the mayor of Estado dedicated it in 2019.

“I see a very happy old man, who now discovers a brilliant and marvelous future. What a delightful loss!”, Escribió la sueca de 18 años en su cuenta op Twitter, In a post along with a photo of Donald Trump on the escalator of his helicopter, with a gloomy aspect, he has just finished his mandate.

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In September 2019, Donald Trump, absolutely impermeable to the climatic problems, which are frequently burlaba of the young activist, write a sarcastic allotment with the various words directed to Greta Thunberg.

Trump reaccionaba asi to the speech of the young in a UNE summit on climate in New York, giving the Swedish speech to the world leaders in an apocalyptic speech accusing them of “robbing their sons and their children”, with their cargo of ira y conteniendo las lágrimas.

In response to all of Donald Trump, Greta Thunberg read his biography on Twitter, literally recounting the words of the president’s entourage: “A very happy young man, who now has a brilliant and marvelous future”.
