Gredmarie Colón is officially on the team “Lo sé todo”

The presenter Gredmarie Colón is united, officially, in the team of the “Lo sé todo” program of Wapa Television, composed by Pedro Juan Figueroa, Yulianna Vargas, Gary Rodríguez and Eliezer Ramos. The program’s executive producer, Niria Ruiz, shared a speech with the reasons for giving it a go.

Gredmarie has been with us on many occasions and is very close to the group. In addition, the public always wants to read its positive impressions through social speeches. She is a very charismatic woman and the people sing her style. We are great content to receive in our family. In addition to sharing the program’s management, there have been reports on personal histories of the pandemic and social assistance cases, in which we have a direct impact, ”said Ruiz.

The presenter reacts emotionally to this new professional ret. UstaI really like the dynamics of Lo sé todo and the team. I would like to have this opportunity to allow me to rent millions of homes in Puerto Rico and in the United States for most of whom are also part of their families. I enthusiastically know that I can present stories and positive projects. Start the year with a lot of energy and apply it to this new project, comment.

Recently, I was told that the presenter Patricia Corcino not continue as animator of the program in the new year.

“Patricia is a woman learner who has a lot of money to spend and is currently working on it. In addition, we decide that this stage with It will be all over, but the gates will open with us. Continue collaborating with the program for the coverage of special events. The most successful designs in their professional and personal projects ”, says the producer.

It’s all transmitted from Monday to Wednesday at 14:55 pm
