GREAT CLASSICS OF THE CINE – The life of Christ in an Italian movie

Franco Zeffirelli is an Italian film director who is known worldwide with his 1968 film “Romeo and Juliet” which was nominated for an Oscar this year. Endowed with a poetic sensibility in his images is embedded in a project about the life of Jesus of Nazareth that he would end up as a miniseries for television and that would pave the way for the beast in both parts. We refer to “Jesus of Nazareth” from 1977 with a huge number of actors as European as stadiums.

As the guion as the extension of the road is debating, the director who has been aborting these cases all the passages that are written in the four gospels. The episodes of a chronological demonstration of the union of José and Mary, the birth of the child – God in the Passover, his ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus through which Christian world begins for all mankind.

The ambiance is very good and we are transported to the era and the form in which the director logs a large number of good actors in order to result in a very good product and that the level of public support always depends on religion.

From the time of the cine mud some producers took place in the great pantall, the history of the Bible created a direct relationship with the cine. These are the cases of director Ferdinand Zecca with his film “The Passion of Christ” from 1903. In 1923, “Los diez mandamientos” was directed by Cecil B. de Mille; “Rey de Reyes” of 1927; “El arca de Noé” from 1928 and as a successful llegando that is part of the decades of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s películas con grandes producciones que son consideradas verdaderos classic de cine.

Without embargo, in 1977 this miniseries was created that Franco Zeffirelli directed as a master more than that, even though history has the same ability to provide an optics and power in different scenes, to connect with an audience that likes this type of gender ya la vez, sea un aporte a la historiografía del séptimo arte.

For this reason, in these days of Semana Santa, we invite you to enjoy this miniseries that can be enjoyed together with friends and family who will be interested in you.


All curiosities about the page.
• For the papal of Jesus, in a principle, the director contemplates the actors Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman, without embarrassment, is asked the actor Robert Powell who was considered to be interpreting Judas in a principle. What an irony.
• When the Catholic Church raised the volume of this production, it intended to “monitor” the steps and details of the road, without much success. Additionally, the conserving sectors will start looking around for Robert Powell (the actor), who may feel that he has a lot to say “on the altar” of the character.
• The pressures attached to the actor, assurant, habrían incidenced in determining pedirle matrimonio a su novia in watel entonces.
• Zeffirelli is known as a director of his demanding and inclusive ideas. In this context, it is the meteor in the cave that Jesus does not hesitate to plead in no scene !.
• His obsession with this detail is so great that the solicitation of the production pays off very well. Solo cedio in the scenes of the crucifixion.
• In addition, the locker room team has a white shirt for the characters. This detail is not minor, and the Mayor of biblical films uses much of the white.
La cinta, in total, for 6 hours and 21 minutes. If so, it’s a long-distance, converted converter for many television sets in a series.
• The film was released on March 27, 1977. It is the only country that has censored Egypt, including various types of conservative groups that question the relationship between the law and the legitimacy of some acts.
• Located in the cities of Tunisia and Morocco with a range of stars of the city, both Europeans and cities. It was aired on March 27, 1977 on the British television network ITV. His estrangement took place on NBC, April 3, 1977, with the motto of Semana Santa.

Technical Sheet: Rating: 4/5 (Very Good)
Nombre Original: Jesus of Nazareth
Year: 1977
Duration: 371 minutes
Director Franco Zeffirelli: Deputy Director and producer of very well-known Italian cinema in the world of art.
