Gravity wave search finds exciting new idea

An international team of scientists may be close to detecting faint ripples in space-time that fill the universe.

Pairs of black holes that are billions of times as massive as the sun, possibly circle each other and create ripples in space itself. The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravity Waves (NANOGrav) has spent more than a decade on ground-based radio telescopes looking for evidence of this ripple in space created by black holes. The project announced this week that a signal can be detected that can be attributed to gravity waves, although members are not yet ready to achieve success.

Gravitational waves were first theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916, but were not detected directly until almost a century later. Einstein showed that space is not rather a rigid background for the universe, but that it is a flexible substance that is warped and bent by massive objects and inextricably linked with time. In 2015, a collaboration between the US-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo interferometer in Europe announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves: they originated from two black holes – each with a mass of about 30 times larger than the sun – circle and merge.

In a new article published in the January 2021 issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplements, the NANOGrav project reports the detection of unexplained fluctuations, consistent with the effects of gravitational waves, in the timing of 45 pulses distributed over the air and measured over a team of 12 1/2 years.

Pulsars are dense clumps of material that remain after a star explodes like a supernova. As seen from the earth, the pulses appear to cut in and out. In fact, light comes from two steady beams emanating from either side of the pulsar as it rotates, like a lighthouse. As gravitational waves pass between a pulsar and the earth, it appears that the subtle elongation and expression of space-time brings a small deviation into the otherwise regular timing of the pulsar. But this effect is subtle, and it is known that more than a dozen other factors also influence the timing. A big part of the job that NANOGrav does is to subtract the timing factors for each pulsar before looking for signs of gravity waves.

LIGO and Virgo detect gravitational waves from individual pairs of black holes (or other dense objects called neutron stars). In contrast, NANOGrav is looking for a continuous gravitational wave ‘background’, or the noisy combination of waves created over billions of years by countless pairs of supermassive black holes orbiting each other across the universe. These objects produce gravitational waves with much longer wavelengths than those detected by LIGO and Virgo – so long that it can take years before a single wave passes by a stationary detector. Although LIGO and Virgo can detect thousands of waves per second, NANOGrav’s search requires years of data.

As tempting as the latest finding is, the NANOGrav team is not prepared to claim to have found evidence of a gravity wave background. Why the hesitation? To confirm direct detection of a signature of gravitational waves, researchers at NANOGrav will need to find a distinctive pattern in the signals between individual pulses. According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the effect of the gravitational wave background should affect the timing of the pulsars slightly differently, based on their positions relative to each other.

At this point, the signal is too weak to distinguish such a pattern. To increase the signal, NANOGrav needs to expand its data set so that it contains more pulses that are studied even longer, which will increase the sensitivity of the array. NANOGrav also collects its data along with those of other pulsar timing experiments in a joint effort of the International Pulsar Timing Array, a collaboration of researchers using the world’s largest radio telescopes.

“Detecting gravitational waves with a pulsar timing requires patience,” Scott Ransom told the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the current chairman of NANOGrav. “We are currently analyzing more than a dozen years of data, but a definitive search is likely to take a few more. detection is coming. “

The NANOGrav team discussed their findings at a January 11 press conference at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, which was held virtually from January 10 to 15. Michele Vallisneri and Joseph Lazio, both astrophysicists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, and Zaven Arzoumanian at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland are co-authors of the article. Joseph Simon, a researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder and the lead author of the paper, did much of the analysis for the paper as a postdoctoral researcher at JPL. Multiple NASA postdoctoral fellows participated in the NANOGrav research while at JPL. NANOGrav is a collaboration of American and Canadian astrophysicists. The data in the new study were collected using the Green Bank antenna in West Virginia and the Arecibo dish in Puerto Rico before its recent collapse.

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