Graphics cards will soon become more expensive

If the ongoing issues and the boom in cryptocurrency mining are not enough to make a new graphics card difficult, prices in America could soon rise to make stocks even harder.

The price increase could soon affect many GPU manufacturers, as exemptions that drove the trade rates in the wheels have now expired. President Trump launched a trade war with China in 2018, which would increase GPU prices if companies did not apply for a waiver to prevent it. However, these exemptions expired this month, meaning that rates between 7.5% and 25% can now be applied to all computer hardware.

ASUS is the only company that currently acknowledges this and writes to customers to explain why they can get higher than expected prices on products.

“Our new MSRP reflects the increase in component costs. Operating costs and logistics activities plus a continuation of import tariffs,” Juan Jose Guerrero III, ASUS Technical Product Marketing Manager, wrote in a statement via TechPowerUp. “We have worked closely with our supply and logistics partners to keep price increases to a minimum. ASUS appreciates your continued business and support as we navigate through this time of unprecedented market change.”

There have been a few instances where the ASUS RTX 3090 has been on sale for $ 1980, an increase from its previous MSRP of $ 1799. Similarly, ASUS’s cheapest RTX 3080 now sells for $ 860, while it costs $ 860 1000 for some variants broken. It’s challenging to see how widespread these increases are, given the fluctuating offer levels and second-hand prices of all of Nvidia’s RTX 30 series cards, but prices are likely to rise in one way or another, given how many components are manufactured in China.

Nvidia launches a live stream on November 12 to showcase the future of GeForce graphics technology. The company has not indicated whether new hardware will also be announced.

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