Grand Final of Mira Quién Baila 2021 with Daddy Yankee | Realities Mira Quien Baila

This is the final time of the year Mira Quién Baila Univision All Stars, our reality show that this year we celebrated 10 years of life and accounted for the participation of even leaders and actors of Univision dispose of the bailarin who lived there to support a charitable cause. There will be a close up of everything with Daddy Yankee’s participation and that will conclude with the proclamation of a new king or queen of the track.

Aleyda Ortiz (team Nuestra Belleza Latina), La bronca (Uforia Radio team), Roberto Hernández (Enamorándonos team) y Sjef Yisus (Team Despierta América) his quintet of four finalists, in the long run of five programs, he beat all the challenges to get to last night. Tuvieron a grandiose corridor a lo largo de la competence et este domingo haran el ultimo esfuerzo.

The final decision on the MQB’s winner will be made exclusively for the first time in the history of our show.


From the emotion to the emotion of the grand finale

We come from a semi-final that ours vibrates and loses at the same time with all the life stories of our participating stars. The relationship of Roberto Hernández tras have been in prison and the supremacy of La Bronca by can not power with his mother, who will solve a health problem, we will show the human load of these figures of television and radio.

Roberto Hernández surprises at the revelation that he was imprisoned for his role in the United States

Lloraron todos: así fue el momenta más emotivo 😭 de Mira Quién Baila Univision All Stars

The last night of this new season also tends to be very emotional, but the atmosphere of the festival predominates, the bays and surprises that are prepared without tenderness.

Between moves of cadres and torsos to find out, here is the duel of them vs. ellos de la semifinal

Dayanara Torres regress to the piste

Our law is approved by Miss Universe, but also winner of Mira Quién Baila 2017, will be honored with his talent on the track, then he will be part of the grand opening that the four finalists will prepare together with the great team of coaches and choreographers.

Dayanara Torres will be the protagonist of this apartment with the exit theme ‘Ropa Cara’ by Camilo. Ritmo y luces la accompaniment y también sera nuestra oportunidad para ver juntos ejecutande una choreografía a Aleyda, La Bronca, Roberto y Yisus.

Roberto Hernández put the pie in the juezas luego of his baile contemporáneo and ended without a hitch!

The ‘Big Boss’ at MQB’s house

The gala will be honored to receive Daddy Yankee on stage with a special number accompanied by a bachelorette.

The ‘Big Boss’ sang, first and foremost on Hispanic television, on the topic ‘Problem’, which has already been converted into a single and currently records over 65 million views on YouTube.

Estrellas participant toman un vuelo con mucho ‘flow’ y con destino a la cuarta gala de Mira Quién Baila

‘Yo lo Bailo Mejor’

The final también will include a round of entertainment reto ‘Yo lo Bailo Mejor’ en el que the finalists will present numbers for other competitors in this time. After each number and its evaluation, los jueces decidirán whoever is better, is the finalist or participant who originally executed the choreography.

  • Aleyda bailará merengue – el mismo que bailó Lindsay Casinelli
  • Roberto eligio the double step with the one that Chef Yisus conquers the juices
  • La Bronca bailará el jive que Lindsay Casinelli bail with the theme of Britney Spears
  • Sjef Yisus bailará la rumba que Víctor González bailó

Posteriormente habra una segunda ronda de baile y despuets de elu nuestros jueces -Dayanara Torres, Casper Smart y Paty Manterola-, escogerán al ganador o ganadora of the competence based on the technique, evolution and stage dominance of each finalist. Remember that the triumphant of this time 10,000 dollars are left for the foundation which represents.

No olvides que durante nie the transmission of Sal y Pimienta, sabremos quién fue el ganador de la votaion para elegir al favoriet del public.

