Graham is campaigning for McConnell to vote separately on $ 2,000 checks

Wednesday, after Trump again demanded “$ 2000 ASAP!” in a tweet, McConnell said the proposal “has no” realistic way to get through the Senate quickly “and refused to divide the White House’s legislative wish list into separate measures. But that was exactly what Graham the Republican leader had to do Thursday.

“Here’s what I want: I would like to have a stand-alone vote in the new Congress on the $ 2,000 check,” Graham said. “We have seven Republicans who have already said they will vote for it. We still need five. I think if we were to vote, we would get out there. ā€

The president, Graham, added: ‘wants three things: a commission to investigate fraud, $ 2,000 checks and to repeal Article 230. I urge Senator McConnell to give a stand-alone vote in the new Congress after January 3 on all three measures. . ā€

Graham is likely to receive little support for the proposal, even after the new congress meets Monday. Later Thursday morning, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson – another top Republican ally of the president – waived the prospect of $ 2,000 payments, citing concerns about national debt and the need for more targeted relief.

‘I know it sounds good, it feels good to give money away. “Everyone loves benefits,” Johnson told CNBC. ‘[But] someone needs to think about the effects of this on our future generations. ‘
