Goya prohíbe a su director que hable con los medias tras sus amenagantes falsedades sober Trump y las elecciones

By Ahiza García-Hodges – NBC News

Agreed with various reports, the Goya Latin Food Company’s directive voted in favor of censoring its executive director, Robert Unanue, in lieu of hiccuping public publications about a 2020 presidential election fraud.

Wednesday’s March 20, the day of Joe Biden’s tenure, Unanue conceded an interview with Fox’s cadet in which he said President’s victory would not establish “verified”, and ensure that “a war” ensues. imminent.

‘Ellos [los demócratas] let’s know what’s going on, what’s going on with Trump on the road“, said Unanue in the interview,” created a complete mission by the unions, associations, the social media conglomerate, the big technology companies, the big media and the Gobierno influencers to mark the beginning of new world order “.

“If there was a war now that the president was going to,” he added, referring to Donald Trump.

The decision of the junta, tomada el viernes and reported first by the New York Post, means that Unanue will not be able to interview the media without obtaining prior permission.

Unanue confirmed in the citation diary that it had no publicity about politics or religion, but did not mention the ban directly.

“In an independent manner, it is the decision to take the temperature and start talking about politics and religion”, says Unanue, “I have to say that it is important to have a diversity of opinions within the company and in our market”.

Unanue caused outrage in July when he praised Trump at an event in the White House and said that the country was “extremely indebted” to the frontier.

These comments cause the rise of Hispanic politicians like the Democratic congressman of New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and will be called in social speeches to boycott the company.

Trump’s parties are responding to criticism of Unanue, including Goya. Ivanka Trump, one of the Trump henchmen and also one of his assessors at the White House, spoke in support of the company and trusted consumers to buy Goya products, with which they violated the rules on market promotion by part of Gobierno officials.

Goya does not publicly disclose its financial statements, as it is not clear what impact it will have on Unanue’s comments on the company. It is embarrassing, however, that the CNN chain said that the comments of the executive director “pusieron en peligro el futuro de la empresa”, and that “the crime of sales is less than what” were before his comments.
