Governor of New York defends his geriatric geriatric dispute

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, defended these lunatics in the management of geriatricians, giving miles of seniors during the coronavirus crisis, over the controversy caused by the fact that his administration has given data on the failures of residents in the legislature. temor al Gobierno de Donald Trump.

“We do not want the information that solicits and creates a vacancy, and the information is filled with the vacancy. This misinformation has been molested by the people, confounded by women who have lost their faith, and allowed the creed theory of the conspiracy”, dijo Cuomo traas una rueda de pressa, preguntado por el asunto y assururande que “se hizo todo lo que se pudo”.

“To be clear, all deaths in residences and in hospitals have always been fully reported, publicly and correctly; the numbers are the numbers”, signaled the governor, who has not yet admitted that he had a “return to the public and the takes “additional dates that categorize the deaths due to its regular administration” managing a pandemic “.

The controversy began when the diary local konserwatiewer The New York Post revealed dit wat die ayudante más cercana de Cuomo, Melissa DeRosa, admitió en una llamada de Statat legislatures statassillats que habias retrasa la intres de esifs por una potencial investigation Gobier Donald .

Of these entrees, numerous legislators like Republicans like Democrats have argued that the executive powers that govern the state of emergence to the governor, as it is attributed to a “toxic political entity”.

“We have joined because we are in a situation where we are not sure if we are going to the Department of Justice” or the legislators “should be used against us”, said DeRosa in the statement, ella misma published este viernes.

How we ensure that he informs the legislative chambers of the state that he has given “priority” to a “solicitation of information” from Justice front to what the legislators have in common with the figures, even if he has only some legislators que dicen no haber tenido conocimiento del asunto hasta ahora.

The governor was accused of “making up” the number of coronavirus deaths in New York City residences, the epicenter of the EE.UU pandemic. during the 2020 premiere, when the state’s fiscal general, Letitia James, announces an extension.

In fact, James alleges that Cuomo’s employees were not included in the total number of deaths of senior residents in all major cities that were evacuated from this type of hospital and emergency room.

This past year, James announced in another statement that the state has not counted miles of deaths by covid-19 registered in geriatrics, which can be up to 50% superior to the officials, located at 8,500 by the Gobierno state.
