Government Evers vetoes COVID-19 bill passed by Legislature calls for compromise

Governor of Wisconsin issues new mask mandate after Gop repeal

FILE – On July 30, 2020, the image taken by the Department of Health Services in Wisconsin shows the Government of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, in Madison, Wis. The Evers government issued a new nationwide mask order an hour after the Republican-controlled legislature revoked its previous mandate on Thursday, February 4, 2021. Democrat Evers said in a video message Thursday that it is the most important way to keep people safe and that wearing a mask. According to the mandate, masks are probably the most effective way to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

MADISON, WIS – Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has officially vetoed a bill just passed by the Legislature, saying it limits the state’s response to the pandemic.

Assembly Bill (AB) 1 passed the State Senate Friday afternoon, with Democrats warning that the bill was doomed to a veto after the Assembly earlier signed a two-party agreement reached by the governor and Republican leadership in the State Senate, rejected.

“Wisconsinites know a compromise when they see one, and it’s not,” Evers said in a statement announcing the veto. “We had a bill that supported the Republicans and Democrats – and one that I said I would sign if sent to my desk – that passed the Senate by a two-vote vote.”

Evers indicated that he would sign the bill on the Senate committee – which was a version of the Assembly’s bill, and remove the provisions that would prohibit local health officials from ordering businesses for more than two weeks at a time. and to prohibit employers from forcing vaccinations. -January. The Republicans of the Assembly, however, rejected the proposal.

Evers accused Republicans in the House of abandoning the compromise and asked the Legislature to send him the bill previously negotiated with the Senate.

‘Wisconsinites do not care about political points or who gets the credit. “They just want to know that their family, their business and their neighbors will be fine if we continue to fight this virus,” Evers said.

“Enough politics – just do it.”

The bill was the first legislation passed in almost a year – 296 days.

In a letter sent to the Assembly on Friday, Evers said elected officials should set an example and work together to combat COVID-19 in the state.

“As I have said all along, our response to the pandemic must be about the best for people, not politics,” Evers said. ‘It should be about pursuing experts in science and public health. It should be about working together for as many lives as we can. ”
