GOP senator Cassidy: ‘I voted to condemn Trump for his guilt’

Sen. Bill CassidyBill Cassidy North Carolina GOP condemns Burr for accusation against Trump Toomey over Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ found guilty Collins: Trump ‘incited an uprising’ to prevent more transfer of power (R-La.) Tweeted Saturday that he voted to convict former President Donald Trump in the Senate indictment “because he is guilty.”

“Our Constitution and our country are more important than any person. I voted to be convicted President TrumpDonald TrumpBiden on Trump acquittal: ‘The case is not in dispute’ North Carolina GOP condemns Burr for accusation against Trump Toomey over Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ requires more conviction because he is guilty, ”Cassidy tweeted.

Cassidy is one of seven Republicans convinced by the House leaders’ arguments and voted to condemn Trump in a 57-43 vote.

Cassidy was accompanied by fellow Republican colleagues Sens. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt Romney North Carolina GOP condemns Burr for accusation against Trump Toomey over Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ convicted Collins: Trump ‘incited an uprising’ to prevent more transfer of power (Utah), Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann Murkowski Toomey votes on Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ demands conviction Trump conviction vote exposed GOP divides Romney on charge vote to convict: ‘Trump incited the uprising’ MORE (Alaska), Ben SasseBen Sasse North Carolina GOP condemns Burr for accusation against Trump Toomey over Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ requires conviction Trump conviction merely votes to GOP division MORE (Neb.), Patrick ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph Toomey Toomey on Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ requires conviction Romney on accusation vote to condemn: ‘Trump incited the uprising’ GOP Sen. Cassidy: ‘I voted to convict Trump because he is guilty’ MORE (Pa.) En Richard BurrRichard Mauze Burr North Carolina GOP condemns Burr for accusation against Trump Toomey over Trump vote: ‘His betrayal of the Constitution’ requires conviction Trump conviction vote exposes GOP division MORE (NC).

Cassidy’s decision came as a surprise to some after he met with a statement it showed support for Trump’s acquittal, but his communications director said Cassidy drew up two statements, one for and against Trump’s conviction.

Cassidy had earlier said that the House leaders had done ‘very well’ with their arguments for Trump’s guilt.

However, the arguments fell short because 17 Republicans would have to be guilty of the Democrats.

Since Trump was not convicted, he may run for political office again. He has made it clear that he will remain involved in the political arena, but it is not clear what his future plans are with the Republican Party.
