Google’s Supreme Court victory in multimillionaire case

(CNN Business) – Google’s Supreme Court awarded a victory to a software developer in a case that lasted a decade, claiming that the technology giant did not commit a copyright infringement against Oracle by copying programming language to build its system operative Android.

Google’s copy of the alleged interfaces of Java SE application applications from Oracle was a just use example, according to the Court’s ruling in a 6-vote decision against Stephen Breyer.

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In addition to resolving a multimillion-dollar dispute between the titans of Google and Oracle technology, the case should confirm a data-wide practice in software development. The Tribunal has not yet commented on the issue of whether or not the APIs are protected by copyright.

Google believes that Corte’s opinion is a victory for consumers, interoperability and informatics. The decision to provide legal certainty to the next generation of developers brings new products and services to consumers ».

In a communiqué herhaal Oracle its allegation that Google “robust” Java and used its economic dominance to free a prolonged legal battle.

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“Google’s platform has become the largest and most powerful market maker,” said Oracle. “The barriers to entry are the highest and the ability to compete the most … This behavior is exactly the reason why all regulatory authorities around the world and the United States are examining Google’s commercial practices”.

In its case for Corte, Breyer says that if it were difficult to apply the traditional concepts of author rights in the context of software programming, Google copied “only what is necessary to allow users to put their accumulated talents to work in a new and transformer program ».

A world in which Oracle is allowed to compile an advertisement of author rights, according to Breyer, “corrects the risk of giving to the public” because Oracle is establishing itself as a new guardian of the software code that others would like to use.

“Solo Oracle Tenderness of the Key,” Breyer wrote. «The result could be very profitable for Oracle (in other companies related to author and computer interfaces) … [pero] the block interferes with the basic objectives of creativity of the author’s rights, no more ».

In the opinion of the majority, the President of the Supreme Court John Roberts, as well as the judges Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Los jueces Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito distinguish, mientras que la jueza Amy Coney Barrett no participant.

In his disagreement, Thomas and Alito argue that we assume that the code has the right to authorize the good of the argument and to jump to an analysis of just “distortion” of the result.

“The Oracle code in this question is protected by copyright, and Google’s use of that code by the author was all just right,” he argued.

In his disagreement, Thomas and Alito argue that we assume that the code has the right to authorize the good of the argument and to jump to an analysis of just “distortion” of the result.

“The Oracle code in this question is protected by copyright, and Google’s use of that code by the author was all just right,” he argued.

In its oral arguments in October, Oracle said that Google’s conduct, if not controlled, would cause the software industry to make sure that the developers do not allow themselves to be compensated for their work when they use their code.
