Google plans to launch Australia’s search engine

Google has announced that it will make sure that its search engine is not available in Australia and that the governing body adheres to its plans to ensure that technology giants pay attention to the content.

The mandatory conduct code provided by the governing body has as objective as Google and Facebook paguen the Australian media companies just to use the content of extras that extraen from the news sites.

The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, responded swiftly saying that “we will not respond to requests”.

“Australia establishes its rules for the things that can happen in Australia”, Morrison said in statements to periodicals in Brisbane. “So too hace and nuestro Parlamento. Lo haest nuestro gobierno. This is how things work here in Australia ”.

Morrison has denied that Mel Silva, managing director of Google Australia and New Zealand, will be conducting a virtual trial before the Senate on its new serial rules.

“If this version of the code is converted into a file, we will not try again to make sure that Google searches are available in Australia,” said Silva to the senators. “And this is a serious series not only for us, but also for the Australian people, the diversity of media and the small companies that use our products all the days”.

Silva dijo that Google institute disposition to pay a large group and variety of editorial editors for the value that aggregate, but not the proposed rules, which include pages for inserts and fragments.

It is said that the “six-digit arbitration model” of the code also has huge financial and operational implications for Google. The executive will propose a series of adjustments to the project. “Creemos que hay un kamino viable a seguir”, dijo Silva.

Like many other countries, Google dominates Internet searches in Australia. Silva says to the senators that the 95% increase in the number of searches in the country is realized by Google.

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