Google Photos’ compressed “high quality” mode will irreparably damage your photos … says Google

Google has been encouraging users for over 5 years to store their photos on Google Drive in its own composite, high quality compressed mode, which has enabled them to upload an unlimited number of photos to Google Drive and make their phone storage available keep by deleting the original articles. .

Google’s Anil Sabharwal promises that high quality storage provides an “almost identical visual quality” compared to your original photos.

Recently, however, 4 trillion photos later, Google started closing the tap for unlimited uploads to Google Drive, and users are asked to pay if they use more than 15 GB from June 1, 2021.

Since Google has a financial incentive to let users use it to clean up their storage and reach their storage limit, high quality storage is suddenly no longer good enough for Google.

In an email sent to Google Photo users advertising their new premium photo editing features, Google also suggested that high quality users switch to original quality uploads or damage their photos.

It notes: ‘Original quality photos retain the most detail and allow you to zoom, crop and print photos with less pixelation.’

The email contains the following sample photo which indicates how harmful the high quality compression is:

Google Drive

Suffice it to say if a high quality compressed mode is as bad as Google has suggested the company has just destroyed the memories of a billion Android users.

More likely, however, that Google is offensive on both sides – they should not have made exorbitant promises in 2015 about unlimited high-quality storage, nor should they be intimidated by 2021 users to upgrade to paid plans with unrealistic comparison photos.

As a reminder – for Android users, Android users offer the best ultimate value, offering 1 TB of storage plus access to a wide range of applications and services on both PCs and mobile computers for a low monthly fee, with the same benefits of synchronization. with your gallery app on both PCs and mobile devices.

What do our readers think of Google’s latest move? Let us know below.

via Forbes
