Google opens the booklet to sign up for Growth Academy: Health & Wellbeing – ORH

Google has presented Growth Academy: Health and Wellness, a program with which pretends to support startups that are using the technology to help internalize more salutary habits and increase the quality of life of people working in the innovation of the health and welfare sector that, as well as Travel and e-commerce are a world-class revolution.

The pandemic has triggered a tsunami in the health sector and the plant is experiencing new distances in distances. For a lad, you have a support for the definitive implantation of telemedicine that, according to the “Study on the Virtual Health Consultant and its benefits for the sanitary system”, Conducted by ESADE and Barcelona Health Hub, virtual health consultations have been multiplied by five since the first week of March 2020 when the state of emergency was declared. On the other hand, the long periods of confinement and restrictions and ocio-mobility are provoking an increase in the mental health of the Spaniards. Hecho, a 46% of the population manifests an increase in psychological maladaptation during the confinement and a 44% signal that it has diminished its optimism and confidence, according to the study “Mental Health and Covid-19. A year of pandemic“Made by the Confederation of Mental Health of Spain.

All of this has led to the creation of startups that have been able to work on the solution to these challenges and challenges in technology. Some of them are based on the application of Artificial Intelligence in order to offer a clinical prediagnostic that can help, in the medium term, to reduce sanitary attention. Otras, on the other hand, are apps that promote the interior of high-quality living spaces, increasing the benefits of users or helping them with mental health. All their objective goals are to enhance the quality of life, the well-being and the well-being of their loved ones in Growth Academy: Health and Wellness. The application to receive applications is open until the 23rd of April and the program will be held online during the month of June.

This new program will take place from June 1st to 30th. and has the objective of helping participating startups acquire the necessary skills to develop and increase the return on business, training specialized in Google products and methodologies, focusing on optimizing and internationalizing them. This training, which is realized entirely online through Google Meet, se handel oor 20 talleres, mentorías y netwerke en los que 15 deskundiges van Google y analiste del sector trabajarán con las startups selecionadas para resolver los desafíos y trabajar conjuntamente para escalar sus empresas.

Participating startups will be in contact with the rest of the selectors to form a network that facilitates support and synergies between them. In addition, the opportunity to learn first hand will be part of Google’s methodologies to improve its processes and strategies, which are translated into major sales and customer acquisition.

The presentation of the candidatures will take place from 6 to 23 April. The announcement of the selected startups that will form part of the program will take place on May 17.

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