Google Drive makes it very easy to collaborate with anyone on documents, slideshows and spreadsheets. If you are able to comment on an employee’s project plan or to get feedback on your upcoming presentation, you can improve your end result. In addition to email alerts, it can be difficult to keep track of requests, tasks, and notes about your work in Drive. To help you manage your tasks, Google adds a notification tab in the Drive app for Android that lets you see activity in every file you’ve stored in the cloud.

The new notification menu can be found in the Drive app for all Google Accounts. Although we must note, it is not yet available to everyone. To find it, just select the Priority icon in the app’s navigation bar if you’re a workspace user, or the Home icon if not, then tap the new Notifications tab below the search bar. All Drive-related notifications will be listed here, though you can adjust your settings to determine what works and what doesn’t.

From each notification, you can view file information, open related documents, and share with your collaborators. You also do not have to have device notifications for Drive to use this tab, so your phone can be silent while still offering additional driving tools.

The new Google Drive notification center is available in the app from today and should reach all users over the next two weeks.

Google Drive
Google Drive