Goodbye to Josefina Echánove, great icon of the telenovelas

A message was sent by a communicator who shared the song “María del Sol” from his Instagram account where he sent a jammerlike remark. “¡HOY, Doña Josefina Echánove, la Reina Madre … Descansa!”.

Josefina Echánove a Mexican television presenter, broadcasting his live show on December 29, informs one of his sisters, the famous performer María del Sol, Herman Peggy Echanove and first actor Alonso Echánove, also a 92-year-old historian.

With an important tray industry in cinema and television, participating in 30 films and 19 television novels.

Tras dar a conocer la lamentable perdida, los seguidores de la cantante le mostraron su apoyo lamentando la partida de su reconocida madre, la también mexicana quien además se desempeneo como un periodista.

Travels of a communiqué by the houses of the historian agradecieron these master patterns and pidieron respectively a space time to assimilate this lost.

All our friends from the communication media, we appreciate their caricature patterns, the respect, space for the family and close friends during these difficult moments ”, can be learned in communication.

We will give you a time to recover from this great losing hope soon to resume our public activities, year.

The last month of August saw the conquest of Mary celebrating the celebration of the 90th anniversary of her mother on the 21st of June.

Síguenos and Google News, and then click on a new star

Josefina Echánove is looking to get rid of the love of her family and friends who are celebrating her life long, today the first actress of this world.

Unbreakable trayectoria

The star of the pants is very active in the wide of its life, participating in important Mexican telenovelas, 19 in total in the distant titles such as: “Corazón Salvaje”, “Rubí”, “La Dueña”, “Cañaveral de Pas ! ones “,” Cuna de Lobos “,” Mañana es para siempre “, y” Atrévete a Soñar “

Asimismo, his talent for leveling is abrogated by the cinematographic sets collaborating with more than 30 national and international largometries: “Santitos”, “Cabeza de Vaca”, “Estas ruinas que ves”, “Balún Canán”, “Amityville”, entre muchos más.

Founded the Contemporary Dance Group of the University of Guanajuato, which initiates its first works as an actress.

Stage scene with great directors, between them, Emilio the “Indio” Fernández and Gregory Peck, Jane Fonda and Anthony Queen

Recognized by the Mexican Academy of Arts and Sciences Cinematography which has over 50 movies and television appearances.

Nominated as Best Actress of Four Seasons in 1991, for his performance in the movie “For Your Maldive Love” alongside Vicente Fernandez and in 1993 for “Serpents and Escalators”.

Asimismo, the Teatro de la Ciudad de México destacó, su participation in various acts on stage with the direction of Enrique Ruelas in “Entremeses cervantinos”.

Actress Josefina Echánove was born in New York City on July 21, 1928, but in Guanajuato she made a false statement that her family had moved to the city where she started her career.

Tras received the notice regarding the proposal of the State Institute of Culture of Guanajuato which lamented the irreparable loss of the actress.

We offer our condolences to the death of Josefina Echánove, actress, trainer and a very wanted person in Gunajuato.

We can also read Celos y rabia, Lucero recreate scenes with Fernando Colunga in “Soy tu dueña”

The artist Alejandra Ávalos, friends looking for the stars of the star dedicated a message on social media:

Lamento el falecimiento de Doña Josefina Echánove, una gran actress de madre de mi amiga María del Sol, el actor Alonso Echánove y la periodista Peggy Echánove. Descanse en paz.
