Gollum is delayed until next year • Eurogamer.net

Tolkien longer than expected.

Lord of the Rings by developer Daedalic Entertainment: Gollum, as originally announced, will no longer appear this year and will now arrive on Xbox, PlayStation and PC in 2022.

Details regarding Lords of the Rings: Gollum have been limited since the action adventure was announced in March 2019, but we finally got a clearer idea of ​​how things could play out in August last year, when Daedalic released the very first trailer and exposition of the game released.

While the film preview did not give away much, Daedalic confirmed that it was shot for ‘subtle tactical stealth’, environmental confusion, climbing challenges and ‘fast parkour action’, all set over a mix of open levels and more linear missions .

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum teaser.

More interestingly, there is a branching narrative element that is dictated through narrative decisions and dialogue choices. Here, players can influence Gollum’s inner conflict by introducing especially the Sméagol or Gollum side of his personality, which will influence certain game situations, dialogue, even animations and sound.

At the time of the August update, Daedalic said it would expect the game on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, PS5, Switch and PC in late 2021. However, a new press release announcing a release and distribution agreement between Daedalic and NACON has confirmed that the initial release plans have changed, with Lord of the Rings: Gollum now starting “in 2022”.

There is currently no explanation for the delay, but hopefully Daedalic will share more soon.
