GoldenEye 007 XBLA Two Hour Game Play Video

A full two-hour video of the fatal remastered GoldenEye 007 Xbox Live Arcade version has just been uploaded to YouTube. Presented by the user Graslu00, the video can work at 60 fps and in 4K resolution, thanks to the Xenia emulator.

The remake of the N64 title in 1997, initially slated for release in 2007, has been scrapped due to licensing and copyright disputes. The nostalgic game, with all its updated glory, is just as enjoyable to watch as it was 24 years ago. The video goes through levels like the classic Dam (he even zooms in with his sniper on the infamous island), to the final Egyptian level, and ends with 30 minutes of multiplayer action.

Watch the video above for a walk in the memory street and read below for Graslu00’s answers to questions about his long – playing upload.

Is it related to the 4chan leak earlier last month?
No not at all. That file is a dead weight that can not be cracked. We have known people for years with these builds of partnernet / pnet. It was just a matter of time.

How did you get it?
I can not say. Patience is the key.

Will it be released soon / one day?
The release is not mine, I can not publish it. I was told that it will be released in 2021.

Does that mean it’s accumulating?
No. Patience is the key. I was informed that it will finally be released in 2021. I can not and do not take the risk of doing so.

How do you feel about Nintendo canceling this remake?
Nintendo did not cancel it, but did not own the license. If you want GE back, ask the IP holders, not gambling companies.

In other game news, chaos breaks out over the sale of Sony PlayStation 5 in Tokyo.
