GoldenEye 007: Canceled Remaster Files Leaked

The game files for the canceled GoldenEye 007 Remaster from Rare have been shared on the internet. The remaster, which was originally released on Xbox 360 via XBLA, but was eventually canceled due to a rights issue, was brought to everyone’s attention again last month via a video showing a full replay. But now the files have been placed on archives and websites on the internet, enabling the public to get their hands on the doomed project.

As shown by the video uploaded to YouTube, with this remaster you can switch between original and upgraded footage, just like the Halo remasters. It runs at 60FPS and can be played at 4K, which is a big leap beyond the capabilities of the Xbox 360 console it was built for.In the YouTube video of the remaster, the uploader Graslu00 says that they have been told that the game will possibly be released to the public in 2021 in some form or another. It seems that the release came very quickly.

To play this version, the use of an emulator or a modified Xbox 360 is necessary, so it is important to note that anyone who wants to locate the files will plunge into dark legal waters, not to mention the fact that the game probably probably leaked from the inside. Rare and can therefore be considered stolen property.

For a legitimate Bond, we can all look forward to Project 007 from Hitman developer IO Interactive. The studio has definitely proven its mortgage proof in Hitman 3.

Matt Purslow is IGN’s British news and entertainment writer.
