Godzilla teen Kong. Revelan 3er monster in trailer that series villano

Mexico City /

How tense is it to see Godzilla teen Kong? There are some days that the official trailer of the movie and the magazine generated in speeches has been streamed as it is the support bands that support: Team Godzilla and Team Kong (yes, as of right now Team Cap and Team Iron-Man in Avengers). But what we want to share is the theory that circulates about the appearance of a third titan or monster which series key in the tram.

Mechagodzilla: ¿El villano de la película?

In the first episodes of the trailer, we see a group of people taking part in a chaotic scene in the middle of structures. In the high part of the body is appreciated a figure similar to Godzilla, with a metallic appearance.

Agree with the specialized channel theory Somos Geeks, this monster is Mechagodzilla, the robotic version of the titan of the seas that was built by the Monarch company to create global chaos and well be the villainous goddess of Godzilla vs.

Godzilla vs Kong | Official trailer VIDEO

Mexican actors in Godzilla vs. Kong

  • Eiza González
  • Demián Bichir

When will Godzilla vs Kong train?

El March 25, 2021, available in movie theaters and HBO Max platforms.
