“God to all patients”: a 55-year-old Mexican nurse who was evacuated, killed by COVID-19

Silvia, 55 years old, failed one week after being evacuated,
Silvia, 55 years old, failed one week after being evacuated, “probably had her illness and was asymptomatic” considered her husband Photo: (Twitter sysyrug)

The vacancies against the COVID-19 that led to Mexico marking a new light of hope for miles of health workers who are on the first line of battle, are embarrassed in some cases have not been enough, as the courier to Silvia G., who works as a nurse at a Veracruz hospital where a week has passed since she was inoculated.

Silvia, 55 years old, was emergency manager of the General Hospital of the Zone (HGZ) number 36 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security in Coatzacoalcos, dedicated 32 years to his profession to save miles of lives, and dies months in this new epidemic. , without embarrassment lost the life of a pulmonary nurse related to Covid-19.

The nurse received last week the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, without embarrassment is the same day it started to send reactions of the sick.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

“Sí … my mother received the first dose of the vaccine, this is a coma with symptoms that are thought to be the reaction of the mouse, the most likely is that it is asymptomatic“, Detalló su hija op Twitter.

Silvia will be the nurse of the nurses, is represented as the union representative of Section IV and complicates the transfer to the Hospital of Orizaba by lamentation, failed March 26.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

The positive cases in the hospital were increased by the fact that as part of the passing months, the General Hospital of Zone 36 of the IMSS Coatzacoalcos, wanted to be equipped as a COVID hospital.

The Silvia Jefa has always been an excellent human being and an excellent worker, always responsible for his age and in his work space, continuously dependent on his companions and patients, giving him a dignified relationship and a loving son; always wears his protective gear in the guards. We will increase with a lot of carriage to a woman who will grow old and very much like her era ”, said one of his work companions.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

We also recommend that the professional worker in emergencies, and work only before presenting the first symptoms.

He explained that he could not wait to be evacuated and that his work was a priority to be nursed.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

Working in a hospital covid by eso la vacuna, aislarse jamas fue un option”, Responded to Twitter to give the recommendation of the aislarse tras aplicarse la primera vacuna.

Following the death of the nurse from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the medical institution informed of a communication that had taken place against COVID-19.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

Respect for the death of nurse Silvia “N”, jefa de Urgencias de jornada accumulated of the General Hospital de Zona (HGZ) No. 36 of Coatzacoalcos, the Office of Representation Veracruz Sur, of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), information:

One week after receiving the vaccine against COVID-19, Silvia “N” was introduced at the Orizaba Family Medicine Unit with SARS-Cov-2 Somatology; median test rapid result positive.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

• At the moment of receipt of the vacuum does not present symptoms to COVID-19, observed by the sanitary filter and respiratory tract as part of the protocol of application of the vacuum.

Cabe signals that, the time at which the vaccine generates antecedents is approximately 2 weeks.

• Execution of the medical staff of the General Regional Hospital of Orizaba, the 26th of February.

Photo: (Twitter)
Photo: (Twitter)

• The IMSS laments the death of the Jefa of Emergency HGZ No. 36 y agradece su entrega al Seguro Social.

The IMSS in Veracruz On the return of its compromise in the care of the health of its workers and residents.

The firefighters passed another nurse in a case of coronavirus, Julieta Brenis, lost the life must counter COVID-19 in its intention to save the life of the sick. Sondeverbod, a difference of Silvia, ella no pudo vacunarse.

Nurse Julieta Brenis failed last week to deal with the complications of COVID-19 Photo: (Facebook)
Nurse Julieta Brenis failed last week to deal with the complications of COVID-19 Photo: (Facebook)

Julieta Brenis estaba assigned in the COVID area of ​​the Pemex Regional Hospital where she and Luchaba will be sacrificed before the patients de esta terrible enfermedad.

At the moment, 657,842 people like him sometime in the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech antidote, in this figure is included as well as the health staff as a teacher of Campeche, as he has maintained the minimum alert of contact from three months ago. In this sense, a 626 528 people applied for the injections.


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