Gobierno retires proposal to reduce party money and give RD $ 1,200 million this year

Santo Domingo, RD.

The Gobierno informs that it is late that it agrees with the solicitation of the Junta Central Electoral to maintain its records on the distribution of the funds of the political parties.

The Ministerial Administration of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza, says that neither the Gobierno nor the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) will pursue any political change with the proposal to record a 50% turnout of political organizations for this year.

“If it were agreed that the country could be included, the same parties could be involved, the nature of the position of the Government and the Modern Revolutionary Party: there is no intention to seek any political change without contributing to a special moment that the Dominican Republic “.

Assure that it is not in the government of Gobierno, contrary to the views of the opposition parties in the Central Electoral Union.

“It is not embarrassing in Gobierno’s name to not enter into an agreement with the two opposition parties and much less with a new Central Electoral junta that includes the opinion in opposition to respect”, said the minister, who also is the president of the PRM.

The Minister specified that President Luis Abinder proposed the reduction to the parties taking into account the situation in which he was living in the coronavirus pandemic to attend to other national priorities.

“The President of the Republic, assuming that we live in an exceptional situation in the midst of a pandemic, intends and informs us from the party that we should all make some victims with miras to have national priorities that institution.

Recorded that this money was used for the construction of the extension of the University of Santo Domingo (UASD) in Santo Domingo Este, “something that is applauding and all society has lived with good eyes”.

With the decision of the Dominican State, it will give the political parties RD $ 1,200 million for this year in the election. The Gobierno proposal was reduced to 630 million, so use the remainder in the construction of an extension of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD).
