Gobierno recycles bins for other vehicles to transport COVID-19 doses | El Salvador News

In an unequivocal decision, the officials of the Ministry of Health will present the antiquated vacancies in pharmacies that will be open every week. Bukele salió said that he had recycled boxes of other vacancies, which were classified as an error by representatives of the medical body.

The Gobierno salvadoreño displays an amplio number of soldiers, medical personnel, helicopters, lances, trucks with rotary that announce the contents to be trampled, cameras, drones, photographers and periodicals to inform the salvage staff in February, as the product of a purchase by the Bukele administration at the Serum Institute of India, following the communication of the government apparatus.

In addition to President Bukele and the Minister of Health, Francisco Alabí, detailing the cost of buying Covishield vacancies, which includes the AstraZeneca English Laboratory, insists on its production of a government donation from India, and remarked that these 20 mil dose dose would be the first to enter the country.

VER: Médicos consideran “ridiculous” that Gobierno recycles evacuation boxes for sarampion to transport dose to COVID-19

The meta line of primary line health personnel to evacuate its 50 mil persons, by which the amount of munitions does not cover the total population. Tampoco el Gobierno ha dicho si de la cantidad recibida el mercoles se debe dividir 10 mil par la primera dose e igual cantidad para la segunda.

Gobierno’s social speeches were filled with images of Salud staff receiving the first doses at different points in the country in the following hours.

Details of the caravan park against COVID-19 located in Santa Rosa de Lima. / Photo EDH courtesy

The initiation of the interrogators

Peru el jueves, at the initiative of the manana, surgió otra version of the law of the munitions. A photo, submitted by the Gobierno Communications Secretariat on Twitter, shows the labels or vignettes on one of the docks in which the cars against COVID-19 are transferred. To read and retrieve the information on the labels, it should be noted that this entry was made to El Salvador on the 3rd of February.

Here is the question asked if the label of the box where the vacancy was made Covishield informs that it entered the country on the 3rd of February when the Gobierno announcement was made on the 17th day?

The periodical Cecibel Romero, which collaborates with Salud con Lupa, identifies that one of the quays entreds the night of the mercols in a salute of Santa Rosa de Lima, La Unión, including the vignettes.

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Like the Santa Rosa de Lima, other photographs taken in social speeches on behalf of Gobierno inside his communication device, it is obvious that there are vines (green and white mentioned), with the same information about birds and oranges, established cabs located with cars for COVID-19 in other locations, such as Zacatecoluca, San Vicente, Hospital Rosales and San Miguel.

The first is a green wine, the one indicating that it is part of 98 in a cargo that collects the 31st of January, from Mumbai (India) via Air France plane, to pass through the airport Charles de Gaulles of France February 1 and read in Miami this same day, in agreement with the site for the register of claims afklcargo.com, which reports official information of international flights.

The other track is in the white window, with number 406-0229 9253 as revealing the image captured in Santa Rosa de Lima, which is from a UPS company mail that flew from Miami to El Salvador on February 3, to las 10:17 de la mañana. Asia is registered in the digital system of dicha company.

Vacations will take place in El Salvador on February 3rd, following the airline tracking

The AirFrance report indicates that the cargo fleet of specialized vehicles and pharmacies, composed of 98 equivalent equivalents to 2,467 kilograms of weight. También UPS indicates that there are 98 cabins.

The Diary of Hoy crucified this information with the other covishield vacancy boxes distributed in other countries throughout India, each cage containing 1200 sentences. In each case, you can obtain 10 doses of vacancies. As such, Habrian ingested in this cargo 1,176,000 vaccine doses against COVID-19.

Gobierno’s explanation

The official information is that the 20 mile dose will be received on the 17th of February from a vineyard near Mumbai, India, by the Spanish company Iberia.

The periodical provoked a series of negative comments against Gobierno’s work on social media, which produced a rapid reaction from President Nayib Bukele, alleging that the embassy of India, Iberia, AstraZeneca and OPS airline , of which the 20 mil dose was published on the 17th of February eran the first and only in haber ingredado in the country.

Bukele confirmed that a vacancy lot will take place on February 3, but not before COVID-19. Sondeverbod, the Gobierno recycled the boxes of their vacancies.

Late on Tuesday, at 11:28 am, President Bukele published a tweet, confirming that there are vacancies that will take place on February 3 in the country, arguing that there will be no immunizations against COVID-19, his vacancies against papers, sarampión and rubéola.

Explaining that the Serum Institute of India is a habitual provider of Gobierno salvadoreño, and that “the cages are recycled and used to protect more caves”, which explains why the mandate is to buy one of these caves to move COVID- vacancies 19.

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In the photo revealed by the Secretariat of Santa Rosa de Lima, the box has a calmonia that details that should keep the vacancies at a temperature between +2 and +8 degrees Celsius, temperature required by AstraZeneca for COVID-19 , although it is a standard temperature that is applied to another type of pharmacy.

As of 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday, the Office of the Pan-American Organization of Health in El Salvador (OPS) published a post on its web portal about the photo of a thermal cauna of vacations that passed through the country February 3 ”.

The OPS details that “the image has a thermal cavity that circulates in the social networks, corresponding to 100,000 doses of the Sarampión, Rubéola y Paperas (MMR) Vacuum Regular Program of the country, manufactured by ‘Serum Institute of India’ , which entered into force on 3 February this year and which was required to be processed by the OPS / OMS Rotary Fund ”, informs the OPS.

In addition, the signaling organization has a thermal box for the evacuation of vacancies to another location, guaranteeing the correct temperature conditions.

Without embarrassment, he did not include in his communication if he had certified the recycling of the different roads to transport other vacancies, as the Gobierno had done in this case.
