Gobierno federal ayudará with $ 50 for internet and a family affiliated with COVID

Photo by Esteban Morales Neris | Investigative Periodism Center

The program to distribute this money will be presented in 60 days

By Metro Puerto Rico

Friday, February 26, 2021, at 07:37

Photo by Esteban Morales Neris | Investigative Periodism Center

The administration of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has offered to offer other monetary assistance to the families he has seen his finances affected by the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC for its seals in English) the Governor of the United States will pay $ 50 for the Internet.

The program for distributing this money will be presented in 60 days in a manner that is unanimously approved by the four members of the FCC. This initiative will be funded by a party of $ 3.2 million reserved by Congress for a package of aid approved by the 2020 finals.

Ensuring that this is the biggest help to maintain the Internet in the right, the FCC’s internal director, Jessica Rosenworcel, assures us that “it is a real challenge for many families”.

The details of como and when to apply are not available.

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