Gobierno de Cuba solo vende MLC a quienes van a salir del país

| 21/01/2021 – 15:36 (GMT-4)

The known exchange cases such as Cadeca in Cuba, sol-venderán Moneda Libremente Convertible (MLC) to the national figures that vayan a salir del pais, informs the president of this entity, Joaquín Alonso Vázquez.

In declarations to Radio Rebelde, the official said that the Cadeca will prevent the purchase and sale of MLC services, “but with the tourism escalation in the island” only the sale service will be offered to those who travel through the country.

“With the drastic reduction of tourists who are lying in the country, we are taking a drastic reduction in the capacity to sell MLC, so we need to concentrate solely on the sale to those passengers who want to go outside and need to retire; , we will sell the convertible weights or weights that we buy when we enter “, explained.

Alonso Vázquez also claims that only passengers with a maximum of 300 CUC divisions or 7,200 Cuban pesos, which translate into 288 dollars in the official exchange, will have other money in the bank account.

“Mientras duren estos seis meses de la Planning Order, you can play with 300 CUC, which we use to buy the CUC and with the weight we have to divide that we have “, comment.

“In some cases, there are customers who need dollars, but at the moment there are no dollars worth more than euros,” the directive declared.

The medida is similar to the 2015 application in Venezuela, when the governing body restricts the amount of dividends it prefers to buy in order to travel through the country, with the intention of overriding its declining incomes and dollars through the period of petroleum.

In the case of Cuba, the railway control of vigorous response to the tourism crisis, the crisis of the Cuban economic system, which now intends to recoup divisions at any cost.

The medium can raise the cost of the dollar in the black market up to 8 weeks in value, as much as in Caracas, or in the different years of the special period in the island.

In principle, the regime led by Miguel Díaz-Canel abridges tithes in dollars by selling primary necessities that are scarce in tithes in national month, which obliges Cubans to receive and unpack their dollars.

Those who do not have the benefit of the dollar bond have seen their living conditions diminished.

The situation is aggravated as a result of the implementation of the tariff tariff order on January 1, 2021, when the governing body increase salaries on a promo of 2.9 times, pero raised the price of the products and services between 5 and 13 weeks.

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