Gobierno de Cuba empezará a vender tractores dolares a los campesinos

The governor of Cuba will start selling tractors to campers in the world of convertible currency, in the wake of the MLC tithes that are receiving commercialized equipment from the Empress Group of the Ministry of Agriculture Logistics (Gelma).

Following a note published on the official organ Granma, One 2 mile customers visited the established establishments interested in this team and “628 purchases were made, of which the majority of producers belonged and only 17 to the business sector”.

The date is the revelator of its actors who are determined to invest in the Cuban agricultural sector. With only 2.7% of the purchases made by the state sector, it is clear that its smallholder farmers and tenant tenants are inviting money to increase their productive capacity.

The campsite is not allowed to trade its products in this month, which the Ministry of Agriculture must consider if this is the way to promote the producers of the Cuban camp and to make a prosperous agriculture prosperous through the management of a state-of-the-art economy.

Last October, the Minister for the Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández, announcement that the governing body is selling the sale in MLC of sums for agricultural production in the country.

“We are going through the same thing with the teams, tractors, small and small iremos abasting this market in the midst that we can realize our sales. What mechanisms are we using for these sales? Basically, mercantia in imported consignment, ”said Gil Fernández.

The Minister explained that the suppliers “put us in the tractors that we sell on duty, and we pay when we sell them. With the division that we receive the payer to the producer and that we are more tractors and so we are summing up, in the process of the consignment, without having to pre-empt a capital outlay or an anticipation ”.

“Independent producers, associates with productive forms and state-owned companies before acquiring, traversing the CLC MLC tenders, Belarus and New Holland tractors, Belarus and Brazil producers, respectively,” Granma said. What we do not know is the medium, and the Gelma state company, is the price of these tractors.

If the sale of this machinery follows the same commercial logic applied by the regime’s operating companies that has the monopoly on imports in Cuba, it is to be expected that the price of tractors will double or triple its real market value. If the governor is able to sell a Kia Sportage todoterreno in 50 mil dollars, when the price on the market of a model with all the extras is 25 mil dollars, it seems that the prices of the tractors follow the logical logic.

In the case of a hypothetical case, there is a New Holland TT4.75 tractor (to give a model that Gelma advertises to be commercialized), which in the international market revolves around $ 50 miles, can cost up to $ 100 miles in Cuba. Most likely it is that the trekker for sale has hours of use, it is just that its price is lower in a free market, but in the case of the Cuban commercial company if the price of its trekker is to double or triple the market , will be the culprit of the “recruitment of the block”.

In this case, it is unlikely that the official exchange rate and the Cuban authorities will allow the purchase of divisions, those campsites and Cuban agricultural producers who are interested in buying a tractor, tendrian to meet 2 million, 400 miles for buying.

“Independent producers are interested in their equipment, they need to integrate the documentation that is accredited as a producer and for the sake of tyranny”, explains the company Gelma. Note that the official organ of the Cuban Communist Party, without any powder, informs that “the trading platform in MLC has an opportunity that, since the 10th of September of last year, Gelma has approved, in aras of searching alternatives to the difficulties provoked by the recruitment of the block ”.

In this form, the Ministry of Agriculture prevails the “commercialization of 32 new national production lines, such as multi-purpose bags for carbon, tires for horses, boots, vinyl paints, gloves, yoke bags, carriages, multiarads, flat tires, multiple beds and hygiene products “, says Granma informs.

The term note celebrating that, with this initiative to sell “new ringtones” in MLC to the Independent Farmers, “if the lodge will collect about 300 000 dollars”. Liberalize a productive fortunes capable of creating wealth in the country will be a complicated process of assimilating for women called “recover” to obtain gains.

In the current conditions of the Cuban economy and society, pretending that the prosperity of the work of producers poor pay and treatment by the abusive prices is a more disorienting evidence that there is the elite mentality of the leaders of the regime, which alone preocupados captar divisas sin importar nada más.

“These are things that are incipient. “It’s a first step and we have cut in three provinces with a group of products and we are expanding this possibility that antecedents do not exist,” said Minister Gil Fernández in October. “In this context, we have this type of audit medium, which does not significantly devalue the country for anything, but it has to look for productive circuits that function with the Central Finance Independent Authority,” he said.
