Gobierno cubano lays carts to sportsmen and trainers

| 20/01/2021 – 17:12 (GMT-4)

The Cuban governing body carries athletes and trainers of the Isla, in a mode of reconnaissance for its work.

The President of the Inder, Osvaldo Vento Montiller, declares that the normative force “contains a large group of candidates for the Grand Duchy and emanates the criteria and the collective decisions”, in order to reach agreement between the vehicles, in agreement with the report of Cubadebate.

“It was like a gesture of admiration, respect and consideration. “I rejoice with his family and friends as a thank you for the introduction, professionalism and compromise with the world of Fidel and Raúl”, said.

For his part, the Olympic champion and current national athletics commissioner, Yipsi Moreno, who was reconnaissance with one of his cars, is feeling sorry for the action.

“Enhance the recognition of victimhood, integrity and loyalty, all because many of the markets for their large contribution as exponents of our sport”, indicated.

In the event, Olympic multi-champion Lijaín López entered the lanes of the cars to the athletes and selected coaches.

Other sportsmen or coach coaches Ibrahim Camejo (athletics), Franklin Standard (baloncesto), Miguel Lahera (baseball), Rogelio García (baseball), Rey Vicente Anglada (baseball), Juan Hernández Sierra (boxing), Lorenzo Arnón (Boxing) (canotaje).

In addition, the names also include Héctor Ruiz (cyclism), Julio Alderete (judo), Héctor Milián (lucha), Raúl Trujillo (lucha), René García (taekwondo), Roberto Castrillo (tiro), Marlenis Costa (volleyball), Imils Téllez (volleyball), Diosmany González (parathletism), Leinier Savón (parathletism) and Enrique Cepeda (parathletism).

In 2019 the goberno cubano también hizo transfer of cars to a veentena de miembros of Cuban sports movement.

Among the reconovidos estuvieron 13 deportivas, six active athletes and a trainer, representatives of athletics, baloncesto, béisbol, boxeo, ciclismo, clavados, esgrima, judo, pesas, lucha, voleibol y vela.

In these entourages, some of the beneficiaries of the sportsmen went to the disco Yaimé Pérez, Misleidis González (athleticism), Liudis Masso (athletics for the disabled), Ruperto Herrera (balloonisto), Yulieski González González (Yulieski González).
