Gobernadora company to promote minor adoption in Puerto Rico

Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced Conversion on the High Day, March, a Chamber of Deputies project that calls for the Adoption Act to amplify the adoption “task force” and establish periodic meetings between the Department of Family Affairs and the end-of-life organizations fines de lucro, publias o privadas que promueven la adoption de menores in Puerto Rico, entre otras medidas.

The media, which was approved in Camera and Senate in a unanimous manner, also included a representative of the Judicial Framework for the “Task Force” for Adoption, in addition to a representative of the College of Professional Workers of the Social Work of Puerto Rico, and a representative of Department of Justice.

The recommendation:

“This promotion promotes the adoption process and integrates professionals, organizations, individuals and governmental agencies focused on improving the quality of children and young people who hope to be adopted,” the governor said in a statement to Representative Jacqueline.

The scheme also establishes a deadline for the Department of Family and Health to prepare the voluntary agreement to distribute to all health care institutions throughout Puerto Rico, and to establish multiple administrative divisions.

In addition, the Department of the Family Convocation publishes every six months all the organizations that promote the adoption of minorities to a work meeting to discuss the dichotomous efforts of the Department regarding adoptions, study and propose them in conjunction with them. integrate to facilitate the adoption of minorities, and any other related relationship.

The Department of the Family has an electronic register named “Voluntary State Registry of Adoption of Puerto Rico”, which includes all the numbers of minorities with a plan of permanence and adoption, and of the adoptive parties with updated information and specified for identifiers, as required by regulation.

If a solicitor has entered the referendum register, he or she will not be able to update the original and accepted documents originally by the Department of the Family, until the Selection Panel of Candidates convenes the evaluation of his solicitation to establish a collocation. The solicitor does not read the updated documents, there will be a reason for his decalification.

The ordinary meetings of the Panel shall, as indicated, be carried out consecutively each week and shall be necessary to convene extraordinary meetings. The meetings can be celebrated physically in video conferencing through any technological medium.

The media was included by the governor in the Extraordinary Session last week, which took place in the month of November at the symposium ‘Adoption: Cup of Love’, celebrated by the Chamber of Deputies, a group of perpetual reconciliations on the subject of solicitation misma. In the group is the Dra. Caly Rodríguez de Rivera-Dueño, Secretary of the Department of the Family with the administration of Pedro Rosselló González, Lcda. María Ortiz, litigant in adoption and family cases, and the LCD. Diana Cordero, who is the adoptive mother.

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