GO Tour winners, GO Tour research, ‘Old Sea Map’ research, New stickers, clothing, and more in recent Datamine!

The Pokemon GO Kanto tour is just ahead! As such, recent computers reveal some interesting things we can expect during February 20th. And that’s a lot of good across the board!

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Note that miners have publicly reported everything in this article (PokéMiners). Information shared through these channels is not affiliated or endorsed by Niantic, and is always subject to change. Do not take it for granted, change features and delete all the time. It is very important that you are aware of this CAN and WILL CHANGE.

So let’s just think:


  • GO Tour Updates
    • GO Tour: Kanto NPC Winners and Dialogue
    • GO Tour: Kanto lyrics for every hour and their towns
    • GO Tour: Kanto tasks like evolving, capturing, etc.
    • GO Tour: Kanto battle tasks for the fight against Tour Challengers (and another who fights it with your partner)
  • Numerous research!
    • A Trainer’s Journey (8 parts)
    • GO tour: Kanto research (also 8 parts)
    • Timely investigation into defeating Kanto Tour NPCs (4 parts)
    • Master’s thesis research (4 parts)
    • Old Sea Map Research (4 parts)
  • Several new guests for the Kanto tour and Kanto event
    • Capture specific Pokémon
    • Standard NPCs
    • Catch Pokémon to Trade
    • Incubate an egg
    • Take pictures of specific Pokémon
    • The transmission of specific types of Pokémon
    • Earn the Platinum Kanto Medal
    • Turn unique stop
    • Walk some KM
  • New clothes
    • Masks for grass, fire and water
    • Red and green hats
    • GO Touring Hat
    • Pink and gray berets
    • Munna Trousers and Top
    • Blink Mew shirt
    • Jackets for Blastoise, Charizard and Venusaur
  • Mass Transfer Updates
    • The mass transfer report appears to be displayed
    • Mass Transfer Only ‘Qualifying’ Pokémon Transfer to Professor
    • The number of legendary / mythical and selected Pokémon is selected
    • This seems to be a warning if you have chosen a unique Pokémon
    • Warning when nothing selected can be transferred

Kanto NPC Winners and Dialogue

 RESOURCE ID: event_npc00_title
TEXT: GO Tour Challenger

RESOURCE ID: event_npc00_name
TEXT: LenTao9

RESOURCE ID: event_npc01_name
TEXT: oneslapguy

RESOURCE ID: event_npc02_name
TEXT: DieCurryWurst

RESOURCE ID: event_npc03_name
TEXT: DieCurryWurst

RESOURCE ID: event_npc04_name
TEXT: Juanevoli

RESOURCE ID: event_npc05_name
TEXT: Trainer yournameNPC05

RESOURCE ID: event_npc06_name
TEXT: CashmereFeline

RESOURCE ID: event_npc07_name
TEXT: enjoyryde

RESOURCE ID: event_npc08_name
TEXT: Trainer yournameNPC08

RESOURCE ID: event_npc09_name
TEXT: Telli997

RESOURCE ID: event_npc10_name
TEXT: malibuleo

All winners (including DieCurryWurst twice and two placeholders) have been added! They also received some personal dialogue, check it out here: https://pastebin.com/dQzXWeW2

Kanto lyrics

 RESOURCE ID: combat_gotour_kanto_cup
TEXT: GO Tour: Kanto Cup

RESOURCE ID: gotour2021_content_link_cerulean_city
TEXT: Now: Cerulean City hour!

RESOURCE ID: gotour2021_content_link_fuchsia_city
TEXT: Now: Fuchsia City hour!

RESOURCE ID: gotour2021_content_link_open
TEXT: Now: All event-featured Pokémon!

RESOURCE ID: gotour2021_content_link_pallet_town
TEXT: Now: Pallet Town hour!

RESOURCE ID: gotour2021_content_link_pewter_city
TEXT: Now: Pewter City hour!

RESOURCE ID: gotour2021_content_link_pok_mon_league
TEXT: Now: Pokémon League hour!

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_cerulean_city
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Cerulean City

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_fuchsia_city
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Fuchsia City

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_pallet_town
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Pallet Town

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_pewter_city
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Pewter City

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_pok_mon_league
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Pokémon League

The text to indicate what time / event you are currently in.


 RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_pallet_town_description
TEXT: Catch Pokémon during the Pallet Town hour

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_pewter_city_description
TEXT: Catch Pokémon during the Pewter City hour

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_pok_mon_league_description
TEXT: Catch Pokémon during the Pokémon League hour

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_raid
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Raid

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_raid_description
TEXT: Complete raids against Pokémon first found in Kanto

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_red_trade_description
TEXT: Trade with friends to collect these Pokémon

This is not a search, which is why we call it Tasks, as it’s likely to appear in Today View.

Kanto NPC battles

 RESOURCE ID: battle_npcs_plural
TEXT: Battle {0} GO Tour Challengers

RESOURCE ID: defeat_npcs_buddy_plural
TEXT: Defeat {0} GO Tour Challengers with your buddy

RESOURCE ID: defeat_npcs_plural
TEXT: Defeat {0} GO Tour Challengers

It also sounds like search, but is not labeled as such.

Kanto research – a journey through the coach

 RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_1
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey (1/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_2
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey (2/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_3
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey (3/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_4
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer's Journey (4/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_5
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey (5/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_6
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey (6/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_7
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer’s Journey (7/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_sr_title_8
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: A Trainer's Journey (8/8)

The text on what Willow has to say on this quest has not been published, but it is an eight-part research that has not currently been announced.

Kanto tour research

 RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_research
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Research

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_research_description
TEXT: Complete Kanto Special Research

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_1
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (1/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_2
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (2/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_3
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (3/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_4
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (4/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_5
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (5/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_6
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (6/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_7
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (7/8)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_srd_title_8
TEXT: Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto (8/8)

This is the Kanto tour research we knew about before. There are also 8 parts, and you can find all the Willow text here: https://pastebin.com/iNAFvYgC

Kanto Time Research

 RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_timed_title
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat All Challengers

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_timed_title_1
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat All Challengers (1/4)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_timed_title_2
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat All Challengers (2/4)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_timed_title_3
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat All Challengers (3/4)

RESOURCE ID: gotour_kanto_timed_title_4
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat All Challengers (4/4)

An investigation for defeating the NPCs. It has 4 parts.

Masterpiece research

 RESOURCE ID: masterwork_sm_title
TEXT: All-in-One #151

RESOURCE ID: masterwork_sm_title_1
TEXT: All-in-One #151 (1/4)

RESOURCE ID: masterwork_sm_title_2
TEXT: All-in-One #151 (2/4)

RESOURCE ID: masterwork_sm_title_3
TEXT: All-in-One #151 (3/4)

RESOURCE ID: masterwork_sm_title_4
TEXT: All-in-One #151 (4/4)

The Masterwork research consists of four parts and you can find the Willow text here: https://pastebin.com/Kt5rjRkC

Old Sea Map

RESOURCE ID: career_research_sm_title
TEXT: Old Sea Map

RESOURCE ID: career_research_sm_title_1
TEXT: Old Sea Map (1/4)

RESOURCE ID: career_research_sm_title_2
TEXT: Old Sea Map (2/4)

RESOURCE ID: career_research_sm_title_3
TEXT: Old Sea Map (3/4)

RESOURCE ID: career_research_sm_title_4
TEXT: Old Sea Map (4/4)

Now this is something. No information on this, but in the video games The Old Sea Map was an event item for pokemon emerald that allowed you to go to an island to meet Mew. It’s also the only time Mew is available with a chance to shine. So in other words, maybe it’s the research for Shiny Mew that was announced?

Brazil Carnival Event

RESOURCE ID: event_regional_brazil_carnaval
TEXT: Carnaval

A small line for the Carnival event.

New Guests

RESOURCE ID: quest_evolve_bulbasaur
TEXT: Evolve a Bulbasaur

RESOURCE ID: quest_evolve_charmander
TEXT: Evolve a Charmander

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_green_bellsprout
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Bellsprout

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_green_meowth
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Meowth

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_green_sandshrew
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Sandshrew

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_green_vulpix
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Vulpix for trading

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_hatch_plural
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Hatch {0} Eggs

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_hatch_singular
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Hatch an Egg

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_npc_plural
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat {0} GO Tour Challengers

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_npc_singular
TEXT: GO Tour Kanto: Defeat a GO Tour Challenger

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_red_ekans
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Ekans

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_red_growlithe
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Growlithe

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_red_mankey
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Mankey

RESOURCE ID: quest_kanto_red_oddish
TEXT: GO Tour: Catch Oddish

RESOURCE ID: quest_platinum_kanto_badge
TEXT: Earn the platinum Kanto medal

RESOURCE ID: quest_snapshot_bulbasaur
TEXT: Take a snapshot of Bulbasaur

RESOURCE ID: quest_snapshot_charmander
TEXT: Take a snapshot of Charmander

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_bug_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Bug-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_dark_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Dark-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_dragon_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Dragon-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_electric_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Electric-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_fairy_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Fairy-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_fighting_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Fighting-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_fire_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Fire-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_flying_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Flying-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_grass_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Grass-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_ground_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Ground-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_ice_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Ice-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_normal_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Normal-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_poison_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Poison-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_psychic_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Psychic-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_rock_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Rock-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_steel_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Steel-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_transfer_type_water_plural
TEXT: Transfer {0} Water-type Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: quest_visit_unique_pokestops_plural
TEXT: Spin {0} different PokéStops or Gyms

RESOURCE ID: quest_walk_km_plural
TEXT: Walk {0} km

Several new guests were added, mostly for the Kanto tour. These include catching, transmitting, hatching eggs, and more.

New clothes

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_face_3dmask_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Grass-type Mask

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_face_3dmask_01_bundle_icon
TEXT: Fire-type Mask

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_face_3dmask_02_bundle_icon
TEXT: Water-type Mask

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_hat_kantotourcapgreen_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: GO Tour: Green Version Hat

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_hat_kantotourcapred_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: GO Tour: Red Version Hat

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_hat_munnapack_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Pink Beret

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_hat_munnapack_01_bundle_icon
TEXT: Gray Beret

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_pants_munnapack_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Munna Pants

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_munnapack_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Munna Top

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_shinymewtshirts_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Shiny Mew Shirt

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_sukajanblastoise_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Blastoise Jacket

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_sukajancharizard_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Charizard Jacket

RESOURCE ID: avatar_f_shirt_sukajanvenusaur_00_bundle_icon
TEXT: Venusaur Jacket

RESOURCE ID: avatar_hat_gotour_kanto_bundle_icon
TEXT: GO Tour Hat

Several new clothes were added, mostly for the Kanto Tour and Kanto Event, but also a Shiny Mew Shirt and the Munna clothes.

r / TheSilphRoad - new clothes added - Kanto Tour and Munna

Mass Transfer Updates

 RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_eligible_confirm
TEXT: Only {0} Eligible Pokémon can be transferred to the professor?

Any Pokémon not eligible to be transferred will remain in storage. You can't undo this action once you transfer.

RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_unique_event_pokemon
TEXT: {0} Event Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_unique_included
TEXT: Unique Pokémon are included.

RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_unique_legendary_or_mythical_pokemon
TEXT: {0} Legendary or Mythical Pokémon

RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_unique_not_included
TEXT: Unique Pokémon are not included.

RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_unique_warning_message
TEXT: Are you sure you want to transfer these to the Professor?

RESOURCE ID: batch_transfer_unique_warning_title
TEXT: Your Selection Contains Unique Pokémon:

RESOURCE ID: pokemon_info_none_transferable
TEXT: None of the selected Pokémon can be transferred.

This is interesting because it apparently generates a report to present how many legendary / mythical Mon you have chosen, as well as Event Pokémon.

Only eligible Pokémon will be transferred, and this will alert you if you do not qualify.

Generies / Misc

RESOURCE ID: event_name_bonus_generic
TEXT: Bonus Event

RESOURCE ID: general_include

RESOURCE ID: general_leave_out

RESOURCE ID: general_transfer

RESOURCE ID: level_up_share_select_message
-TEXT: Select achievement for sharing
+TEXT: Select an achievement to share

RESOURCE ID: reorder_pokemon_tag_error
TEXT: Failed to reorder tag

TEXT: You’re about to upload {0} MB of data. If you aren’t connected to Wi-Fi, data rates may apply.
TEXT: Uploading PokéStop Contributions

And lastly, just a few general / minor minor text updates.

New stickers

There are also new stickers on the way. Must love the Mewtwo one!

r / TheSilphRoad - Kanto Tour stickers printed!

Also some stickers for Valentine’s Day and a preview of the jacket designs mentioned earlier

r / TheSilphRoad - New stickers and Kanto jackets back
