Go to: Joe Biden’s Economic Budget Package Impulses Latin America’s Economy | Economy

For Millions in the United States, the historic $ 1.9 trillion-dollar package approved by the Congregation of Churches represents the salvation needed to navigate the continuing economic crisis of the pandemic. And, for many Latin Americans, too. Countries with commercial and laboratory stores will experience a large impetus in the processing of remnants, their exports of raw materials and manufactured products. The money laundering at a critical moment for the region.

Titled Plan of Rescate Estadounidense, the parcel equals approximately the middle of the federal presumption of a year. Although all the details of the coma are exactly the same as the diner, it is known that middle-income families and well-received Czech checks for $ 1,400. This will boost the consumption of goods, much of it produced by Latin American countries. También will accelerate the transition to limping energies, which will mean an “electrification” that will require prime materials exported by the region.

The guest of President Joe Biden’s guest will be the one who left a change in the expectation of a crime in this country. The Morgan Stanley Investment Bank announced on March that its gross domestic product growth ratio rose from 6.5% to 7.3% this year. “The estimate is oriented to the United States and its own economy, does not intend to be a package that has an interest in estimating the country”, explains Axel Christensen, director of the Investment Strategy for Latin America in Blackrock. “So, there are important consequences for the region,” he said.

The importance of the straps

“In the media in which many people of Latin origin in the United States, such as, do not require [el cheque] In order to be comfortable with complex work situations or your familiar economy, there is a mayor who is likely to be in the region at a time when he or she is very welcome, because he or she is more than happy with the gulf of the pandemic, ”dice Christensen on the phone from Miami, Florida.

The Inter-American Bank for Development (BID) hopes that the crime rate for the 2021 reboot will be 4.1% in the region, before regressing to a moderate tendency to reduce crime by 2.5% annually. “We are looking for a very positive effect, we can reduce the amount of activity associated with the pandemic”, agrees Christensen.

Mexico goes to see the country that has the most receipts of the old country. Pesar del cirre de actividades entre mayo y julio, las remesas crecieron 11% in 2020 in comparison with the previous year, a record a record of 40,607 million dollars – the equivalent to this 4% of GDP. For Central American countries such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, the net sales represent between 13% and 23% of their national GDP.

Trade benefits

“The American economy, with this, is trying to show a recovery that means a mayor is asking for the products he buys in the region. Mexico certainly has an important place to live in, ”Christensen assured. During the months, the Mexican authorities prophesied that the success of the Free Trade Treaty that one of the two countries, the T-MEC, would be the most powerful engine for the Mexican economy. Mexico is the main commercial company of EE UU and vice versa.

Including the most recent data on the Mexican manufacturing sector, which is one of the EE UU’s global summantes, is very much in line with its recovery in other sectors. “There will be more coaches or electro-domestics manufactured or assembled in Mexico, there will be a good news. And if there is one can, depending on the type of product, see the benefits for economic distinctions in the region, ”says the specialist. The Mexican Council of Exterior Trade (Comce), estimates that the Biden Administration’s estimate increases increments by up to 9%, this year, and comparison with the past year.

For Colombia, the effect will also be significant, as this is where 30% of its exports are from EE UU, dice Daniel Velandia, economist jefe of the company Credicorp Capital in Bogotá. In the case of Brazil, Chile and Peru, the tax rate is between 15% and 13%. “Además, vemos un double efecto”, asegura Velandia, “por un parte est elect efectado de que el burgemeester crecimiento de EE UU termine beneficiando el commercion de la region y, por el otro, esta electect commodities, it will have a favorable impact on the mayor’s part of economies in the region ”.

First materials in alza

The demand for Asian lands, as well as the expectation of crime in the United States, has imposed on the prices of prime materials, or commodities, in what is the year. Including before the Congress passes the package of estimates, international markets and the oil, metals and food prices have increased, hoping for a request from the mayor of EE UU, explains Velandia. This is a help that countries such as Chile, for example, depend on export cobra, empiecen to recover ingresos.

According to estimates by Velandia’s team, 96,000 million dollars from Biden’s package will be spent on transport and infrastructure, which will be a demand for construction and mineral resources needed to accelerate the energy transition, many of them coming.

“I owe the prices to the principals commodities of the region are recovered including very high levels of pandemic, ”said Eric Parrado, chief economist at the Inter-American Bank of Development (BID). But every project projected requires an advertisement for emerging countries. According to the money that the Governor owes to the economy, its central bank, the Federal Reserve, includes active assets in financial markets to ensure that the banking system has sufficient liquidity. It is said that banks and institutions are signing money to the businesses that need it.

“A global crime is most likely to provoke the central banks to revise the orientation of their monetary policies,” Parrado assured. This implies that, given the existence of the estimates programs, the Federal Reserve reserves the right to repurchase its assets policy and its interest rates, which invests in selling its instruments in Latin American countries to purchase less expensive instruments. y con buenos rendimientos af EE UU. “A global mayoral crime scenario unites with a moderate correction of the financial market that will lead to a 5.2% crime in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021. If the correction of the financial market is severe, the mayor will have a positive impact ”.
