Go to Cuba for personal themes and you can not wait until the last three years

| 20/01/2021 – 06:43 (GMT-4)

The Cuban actor and model Rubén Cortada flew with much force to Spain, to pass a long time war in Cuba.

In an interview submitted to MadMenMag, Cortada stated that he traveled to Cuba for personal reasons, but the situation in the island is complicated; in all this time his followers do not have to notice his words.

“Paré de trabajar porque me fui por unos personales ymad vaz vez se complicó más la cosa. Se me fue de las manos y ne pude salir del pais haste pasas pas tres años. Fue una situación situation. Pero he regressado con mucha fuerza “insures the famous magazine for men.

In November Rubén Cortada reactivó su cuenta af Instagram, dando fe de su regreso a tierra española, con una imagen en la que se muestra desnudo, saliendo del mar.

“Hy regressado con mucha fuerza. Hubo cosas que gestioné mal. Ya está todo organiza, después de all this is what happened to me in Cuba. It’s very clear “, assured the model to his followers.

The first photos of Cortada’s regression in the life of an impactful firefighter because he had a long, hard hair and had an air of abandonment.

“I’ve been there alone, completely alone. The barbeque was a form of camouflage. Me fui muy abajo. Mal. Son procesos y todo el mundo los tiene. Estamos hablando de esto justamente porque ahora estoy bien. Pero nuestros demonios están todo el tiempo acechando, o por lo menos a mí me stán dando todo el tiempo. In Cuba fue bajar to the new circle of infinity“, dijo el actor y reiteró su mensaje de fuerza: “I’m back”.

The Cortada interview does not state that the exact passage in Cuba, however, is the certainty of an optimal return, with more madness. One of the things that I confess is that I begin to enjoy the use of social speeches, even if I feel that I am calm.

Rubén commented on his model stage, the importance that he had in his career the opportunity to travel, known great designers like Jean Paul Gaultier, Giorgio Armani or Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, but now he wants to explore more of his facet.

“I’m a career actor actor in a photo session with Bryan Adams (who is a cantor and also a photographer) in Los Angeles. During the break the committee sent me a message and told me ‘do you know who you are?’. Y le conteste que sí, que en mi casa mi padre escuchaba buena música y que él staba ahí. Y él me dijo: ‘you are not your model, you are an actor’“, account the Cuban.

En la Isla is in love with the actuation, but he was working with Fernando Piernas, stage director and theater professor, who is definitely talking about this profession. His next job will be as an actor in a metrics that will start running around and out of nowhere.

Rubén Cortada triumphantly in the world of action by his paper in El Príncipe (2014-16), a series of Telecinco that captivates more than four million viewers. The Cuban actor and model is interpreted as Faruk, a Muslim drug trafficker who converts to one of the most popular Spanish television shows on these shows.

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