Gloria Trevi atrae las miradas con arriesgado y coqueto vestido en Premios Lo Nuestro

Este da se celebra la entrega de los Our Prizes, which recognizes the best of the Latin music of the year and contrasts with the presence of great celebrities, between them the Mexican song Gloria Trevi.

The song is one of the most hoped-for artists that will appear on the screen to share with you in them premiums. Adems, we powerfully pay attention to the alfombra agent to defile with an approach look that showcases its impact curves.

La mexican singing dejo ver with an elegant and arriesgado white vest, with brilliant details and spring game to make the glasses transparent from the vest shine. In the lower part a court siren resalt the enviable curves of Gloria Trevi.

Gloria Trevi impacts in assays

The singer gives an adelanto in his social speeches of his presentation in the Premios Lo Nuestro, pero en esa ocasin dio ctedra sobre usar atuendo deportivo to make an envidiable figure.

The 53-year-old’s edant deslumbr to his Instagram fans with the photographer in which a bright white sportswear suit adjusts, adams de mascarilla as a medium ante the Covid-19.

Ms hermosa y Reina, ya portte tu corona son algunos de los comentarios que se hicieron present para la mexicana, quien se dijo emokionada por subir al scenario.

Photo: Instagram

