Gloria Trevi and Rosie Mercado reflecting on reinvention and how to make life in charla with Don Francisco | Video

Gloria Trevi explores new social networks and the world of memes by contacting her fans now that the pandemic has taken place in the scenery. In this program, the Mexican song with Don Francisco about his recent songs “Demasiado fragiles” and “Grande”, and some anecdotes of other favorite excites such as “Doctor Psiquiatra” and “Pelo suelto”. Trevi also delves into his experiences with desamor, the duration moment when sequestration to his espos and the temers that he has anticipated the pandemic that the arrest some people are looking for. Rosie Mercado’s model and presenter has a program to talk about that has surpassed her obsession with the weight and the gap against addictions, especially in the committee. Finally, Dr. Jorge Partida offers some tips on how to get rid of those who need help with their mental health.
