Gloria Sierra rompe en llanto en redes sociales

Have a date with the actress Gloria Sierra send the alarms to publish a message, through his social speeches, donde pedia ayuda to choose a oxygen tank for his part, actor from El También Mike Biaggio; who unfortunately touches Covid.

In the video, Sierra explains that the oxygenation of his sister-in-law was very bad and he had contact with many companies, he could not convince the artifact that would help establish Mike. Soon the history will be recovered and you will have to use the tank, the couple decided to donate.

Prohibition of probes; the actress acted to attract the attention of internet users by publishing a clip donde rompe en llanto, only the person using the device, lamentably loses the life: “A Miguel Ángel concoction is called the lame to decry that a condom cone is oxygenating very bad, and preguntarle donde habíamos consiguido el tank. Miguel Ángel le dijo: ‘no ven por él’. And we made it our decision to fail the seeror ”, dijo la actriz entre lágrimas.

Gloria Sierra and Mike Biaggio

Ve: Mike Biaggio will be joining us on his oxygen tank: ‘Ahi vamos, cada día mejor!

“I do not know the Lord, I do not know the Lord; pero me partió corazón pensar en la angustia que pasaron estas personas en conseguir el oxygenen un un vez que lo encontronon no pudieron sacarlo (adelante) ”, aggregate Gloria.

The actress who took part in the telenovela ‘Te doy la vida ‘ make sure that people can criticize him for his reaction, that he can avoid feeling bad and that he likes God, that his family is well and healthy. Además hizo un llamado al publica ya sus seguidores para net bajar la guardia, continuous cuidándose y sober todo actuar a tiempo parta evita un desgracia.

Gloria Sierra TV Notes

On the other hand, Sierra also has a compartment that is exposed to high altitude and can be seen with some sequences, and there are many ways to pay attention to this terrible disease: “‘N Miguel Ángel el doctor ya lo dio de alta, seguimos con lo de la neumonía, pero bendito Dios ya está mejor”, finalized.

Also: Mike Biaggio’s husband helps you to get an oxygen tank for the actor
