Giovanni Medina theme for his life and the life of his three brothers Larry Ramos

The ex of Ninel Conde, Giovanni Medina, asegur que entre los audios que salieron a la luz donde se inculpa a Larry Ramos, actual esposo de la cantante, existe otra parde donde el colombiano asegura que buscar detener el accionar del padre del hijo minor artist.

The empress seals that Larry Ramos makes sure to help the cantant to recover in his hiccup of the very poor man, this is Medina’s interview for the program Ventaneando.

There are many audios and there are in particular dura ms of a hora, hai un parte quiero externar mi preocupacin en donde este tipo Larry Ramos le menciona a Guillermo ya Cynthia (ex managers de Alejandra Guzmn) que fueron a ver a gente muy peligrosa, gente which includes hoy is complying some condena in the United States for me to push an alto, as lo seala, and seala l que haba any cantidad de armas and que solo ellos van a poder conmigo. Corte A, she is very apologetic and her base room communicator decides that she is trained by a person with many acquaintances. I’m wondering if I should have a lawyer specializing in delinquency against health in a juice of guarda y custodia dand a nio of 5 aos.

During the interview, Giovanni sent me a message to his ex-partner: I and Ninel wanted to dissipate from the media or from his life it was very easy for me to create a Emmanuel, eso es todo, necesita recurrir a personas ni a delitos para hacerme dao, pero es muy peligroso.

Also make sure that the audios that the ex workers of La Guzmn he was found by the FBI in the United States, as were the authorities in Mexico.

I like that the authorities of both pass the question of things to themselves Larry Ramos; una: qu nexos tienen realment con esta gente?, que el mismo refiere en sus propias palabras; y segundo: qu interpreta l como ponerme un alto?, porque para ponerle un alto un una persona de manera legal, recurres a las autoridades, no al otro lado, entonces qu alto me quiere mandar poner? amenaza y pone en riesgo am, ‘n mi hijo, explic.

Ninel Conde

For another part, the ex del Asesino bombed manifest that it does not create that the cantante is not engaged in the fraud of his spouse, and ensures that she has ambition to quarrel with the diner that Larry robes his vctimas.

I created that we currently have a carrier for the money of the vctimas. A career in which the delinquent participates, also participates in the delinquent family, the FBI, the props vctimas that estn desperadas por su dinero y Ninel, Ninel is a participant ms, yo creo que la ms adelantada para llegar a la meta es Ninel, finaliz.

