Gina Carano breaks the silence during the eviction of Lucasfilm

Gina Carano, one of the most famous characters in the series “The Mandalorian”, filed by the daily conservator The Daily Wire despises the release of the “Star Wars” franchise through his political controversial comments.

In a communiqué, the actress announced that she would write and produce a film with the support of the well-known commentary platform and commentator Ben Shapiro, one of the most prominent voices of the United States Conservative activism.

“I am sending a direct message of hope to all who live with the time of being canceled by the totalitarian turbo. Mi voz es más libre ahora ”, afirmó.

The decision reveals a day of despair that Lucasfilm, the producer responsible for the Star Wars movies and the series “The Mandalorian”, presents his work and calls “aberrant” some of the comments perpetrated by the actress.

In particular, the controversy arose over a publication on social media in which the actress compared the political situation of the United States with Nazi Germany.

“As history unfolds, the majority of the people are reluctant to go so far as to point out that the Nazi soldiers could easily arrest thousands of Jews, the governess provoked them just as they prophesied the Jews simply by being Jews. What is the difference between having a political opinion? ”, Published the actress.

If the message does not reflect a political alignment, this text follows a photo of a man with the cabbage covered in mascara and the text: “Mientras tanto en California”.

Carano has shown off on other occasions opposing the use of mascara, has made comments that ensure that racism does not exist in the United States and that President Donald Trump’s followers are treated unfairly.

One of the most notable issues with transgender people is identifying themselves and another publicity stunt that reflects anti-Semitic conspiracies, among other types of messages that also support repeated Trump electoral fraud allegations.
