Gianna, the daughter of Hernán Cristante, DT de los Diablos Rojos del Toluca

Gianna Cristante is the name of the ex-football player and Argentine coach of the Devils Rojos del Toluca, Hernán Cristante, who is currently in front of the Mexican team the MX League and que cuenta con todo el apoyo de su fan número 1, su hija.

Gianna Cristante, a medical student, is also a football football supervisor, especially the Red Devils of Toluca.

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Guanta’s guapa hija, is an Instagram influencer, so he can share photos of his style of life, travels and fashion, then has more than 20,000 followers.

Gianna, in addition to studying, also dedicates his time to sports and is a great player of Voleibol.

Orgullosa de ser hija de mítico arkero de la Liga MX, a menudo deja en claro su amor por el technique del Toluca, a quien apoya con todo su ser.

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