Get the verdict due to the fact that Meghan Markle will not attend the funeral of Prince Felipe

Through the failure of Prince Felipe, abuelo de los hermanos, el Príncipe William y Harry, este último viajó a Reino Unido para acompañar a su familia y dar el last goodbye a su abuelo.

Sondeverbod, immediately announces the speculations about Meghan Markle Accompany Harry to his journey, but to avoid further rumors, a spokesman for the parish who Markle no iba a viajar por prescription medicine debido a su advanced stage of embarrassment.

We will record that in 2020, Meghan will be a spontaneous abortion during the verona segun ella misma contó al medio ‘The New York Times’, “Supe, mientras estrechaba mis brazos a mi primer hijo, que staba perdiendo al segundo”, comment.

Meghan does not travel with Harry to the funeral of Prince Felipe:

Prohibition of probes, friends of Meghan comment ‘n’ Mail Online ‘la ‘green reason‘for what no viajó al funeral del Prince Felipe.

Meghan Markle harry verdadero motivo no viajó begrafnis príncipe felipe

The allegations to Meghan commented that I was able to pass on his embarrassment, without embarrassment prefer quedarse en su casa y así do not be the center of attention, “His main preoccupation at this moment is to support Harry, so he decides to attend or not attend the funeral”, comment.

Meghan Markle harry verdadero motivo no viajó begrafnis príncipe felipe

Mientras tanto Harry is in a quarantine to be able to present the Saturday 17 In the last goodbye a su querido abuelo.
