Get rid of Mynor Moto’s immune system by supuesta conspiracy for obstruction of justice and precarious – Prensa Libre

El juez Mynor Moto.  (Photo Prensa Libre: Hemeroteca PL)

El juez Mynor Moto. (Photo Prensa Libre: Hemeroteca PL)

The Public Ministry (MP) informs that in the case of the Parallel Commission 2020 case, the Special Tax against Impunity (Feci) has approved the withdrawal of the administration against the third party of the criminal court, Mynor Mauricio Moto Morataya for the offenses conspiracy to obstruct justice and prevent it.

As mentioned earlier, in February 2020, the Feci presented a so-called “Parallel Commissions 2020” investigation, in which a meeting of actors was met that was met with Gustavo Adolfo Alejos Cámbara (syndicated in various cases of corruption).

According to the MP, the finalization of the meetings was to manipulate the actions and votes in the Posting Committees for the Supreme Court of Justice and the Court of Appeals, as well as the proposal of the Congress of the Republic.

This is the origin of the continuation of the investigation, the application by the Constitutional Court (CC) of an affidavit to the General Fiscal Consulate, and the planting law against 16 judicial officers involved in the search.

Fiscalía has documented

The investigator explains that in the course of the investigation process he has documented distant events, between them, meetings of the man who worked as commissioner Dennis Billy Herrera Arita, Douglas Herrera, commissioner of post), with Gustavo Adolfo Alejos Cámbara (operator externo) y el juez Geisler Smaille Pérez Domínguez (aspirante a magistratura de la Sala de Appelaciones, con antejuicio en trámite).

Signal demonstrated by Dennis Billy Herrera Arita, held by telephone and / or instant messaging with Alejos Cámbara.

Support and Motorcycle

In addition, the MP approved that Douglas Eduardo Herrera Arita participated in a recent event to support Mynor Moto in his aspirations to become a magistrate of the CC nominated by the College of Lawyers and Notaries.

Señala that “it is known that Mynor Moto allegedly arbitrarily assumes control of the investigation of the Parallel Commission 2020 case, a petition of Dennis Billy Herrera Arita”.

In addition to the fact that the Moto Morataya was documented one day before its launch as a candidate for the master’s degree in the CC (December 11, 2020), in a meeting with the judge Geisler Smaille Pérez Domínguez and with the lawyer Juan Carlos Borrayo Carbajal, who acted Advocate-Director of Gustavo Adolfo Alejos Cámbara in the case of the Negotiators of the Salud and who has been assisted in proceedings by the Deputy Jorge Estuardo Vargas Morales in the case of Financial Unity (this is also the last meeting with Gustavo Adolfo Alejos Cámbara, the MP.

Tax actions

The MP affirms that Dennis Billy Herrera Arita has instigated actions against the fiscals of the Parallel Commission 2020 cases. He also promoted law, although he also has a superstitious discretion, that the Moto court assumes control of the case law of the 2020 Parallel Law Commissions of a judiciary of mayor riesgo.

Senala that the Moto Morataya resolution resolved that it exercise the judicial control of the Commission Parallelas 2020 investigation, knowing that it could not assume the control of an MP investigation, on the petition of a particular.

Agrega que juez Moto sabe que el MP no ha requerido el control de la investigación del referido caso ante la judicatura a su cargo y que el juez debe saber que, ante el desacuerdo con la competence competent un un jurisdictional organ, el interesado debiera planta la exception of incompetence, ante the power of merit.

Lea también: MP cuestiona idoneidad de juez Mynor Moto y Estuardo Gálvez para ocupar cargo de magistrado titular de la CC

Explain that the judge mentions that the competence of the mayor precedes the assignment of the Criminal Court of the Supreme Court of Justice, and that he appeals to the Supreme Court of Justice, and that he can not support his competence.

In addition, the judge knows that he can not advocate the consent of those who are dependent on another jurisdictional organ. A company that has one of these, the juvenile Mynor Moto, has issued indicative acts of the arbitral tribunal of the case investigation into which they are involved, among others. his followers Gustavo Adolfo Alejos Cámbara, Dennis Billy Herrera Arita and Geisler Smaille Pérez Domínguez.

These events, evidenced by the fact that a group of people are concerted, only with the object of defending their interests or interests in the postal process for high court magistrates, are in the verse described, they are used using figures, like the of the Moto Morataya law with the proposal to intimidate the taxpayers and to charge the investigation and obstruct the probationary period for the trial.

The MP signaled that this form, the search for impunity, was prompted by occult powers, which tried to distort the justice system, to maintain the intrinsic red control mechanisms of postal commissions, and that the hechos in the que se materializan, al ser detectados, no sean sometidos al justice system.

Indicates that this is the intention of the permanent co-operation of the judiciary that particularly impacts a system affected by corruption and the failure of judicial independence.

Juez Moto is pronounced

Recorded that “supuestamente” presented withholding of immunity in its last week and that lament that the MP in some taxation exactly tomen this post when alguien is in the search of popular cargo elections to gremial.

Add to that Guatemala’s justice system. Dijo que desconoce el preámbulo y “no tengo nada que ver con Commisses Parallelas” y eso lo puede asegurar.

Aggregate that hopes without sufficient evidence and “is not always the same”, on the basis of irregularities or interests without fundamentals or rational indications.

Significantly, all of them are responsible for the lie and wait for the lie to lie down for some person to return or return.

Dijo that discovers the object of the antejuicio solicitad la Feci este lunes 4 de enero and hopes that the taxpayers are responsible for what they are doing.
