German ‘Patón’ Mejía with options to play in El Salvador, Costa Rica, MLS and Motagua! – Diez

German “Patón” Mejía finalizes its contract with Olympia from the month of December and the law of no agreement with the directive merengue decided to dispense with the white cadre during the social speeches.

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DIEZ agrees that the player submitted a proposal to Olympia for renovation, the club did not agree and had a counter-offer, but to “Patón” on the right and the recovery.

The flight now has a clear proposal from Motagua and is economically superior to the Olympics, but the model has not been able to concretely debate the famous and famous “Pacto de Caballeros” between the capital clubs.

If you do not have a contract with the Olympics and you can legally do so, between the Olympics, Motagua and Real Spain directives, there is no agreement that you can negotiate with a player who has been publicly not harmed by the military team.

Other options that tenia German Mejía en la Liga Nacional fue con Real España y también era superior a la los blancos, pero ya habría sido descartada par la directive aurinegra.

In the last few days it has been confirmed that the player has received the offer of praise from a club from El Salvador and Costa Rica, summed up in those that are managed by Montreal Impact and Austin FC of the MLS.

This proximity will be the day before the flight, which will be known officially in its official destination in its football career.
