Gerardo Fernández Noroña. Who is and how is Ghana as a deputy

Accused of possessing gender-based violence, prompted to reuse to use the cubrebocas, detained by “alter the public order” and almost murdered, Gerardo Fernández Noroña has caused controversy for decades. The Labor Party (PT)’s deputy has a large political sector, but where is it and is it currently in Ghana?

“I am a free man of humble origins who loves life, who shows his solidarity and support when needed. “I’m a man of Izquierda, a social reader, an activist, a free man and a free man”, he describes in his Facebook page.

Noroña assegura a sus more than a million followers that is “a Mexican who is indignant for the situation of its countries ”and said that its ambitious ambition is that there is a process of transformation. The president’s aspirant to the presidency has been talking for more than 30 years, here’s a little bit of his story.

Who is Fernandez Noroña?

Born on March 19, 1960 in the Federal District, Noroña and was considered a “leader” of his undergraduate and graduate studies, at the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM) Azcapotzalco, where he holds a degree in Sociology, then forms part of various societies of alumni.

However, it was not until 1988 that he became involved in Mexican politics as a candidate for federal representation in the Mexican Socialist Party and joined the National Democratic Nationalist Party (DFN), before becoming an evolutionist and converting to the PRD.

So political career is full of protests and demonstrations, between those distances a front to the Palacio Nacional, donated to the south to impede the salute of the presidential entities Ernesto Zedillo. ‘I acosté como tope afuera para que no saliera su vehicle, y fue a levantarme. No lo vi y todavía le di un manotazo, así de no ek toques. Ya despude vi que era el Presidente”, Contaba a MILENIO hace a pair of years.

Inside the PRD lanes, fue finsurer of the movement of Insurgent Bases (Mobi), sSecretary of Communications, Dissemination and Propaganda of the National Congress of the Party (CEN); as the organizer of campaign in the CEN election process. Without embarrassment, when Alejandro Encinas was not elected as PRD national leader in 2008, Noroña decided to resign from the party to show his displeasure.

A pesar de que el ahora deputado federale eis – a presunto fraudulent election and contra de Andrés Manuel López Obrador in 2006, the petite has always been in agreement with the ideas and policies of the current President. Without embarrassment, its inconsistency with the governing data from the term of office of Felipe Calderón, sex during the two years he was confronted with die burgemeester van Estado, die president van realizar protests en actos oficiales que, incluso, le valieron detenciones por alterar el orden público.

In equal manner, during the last informant of governor of Enrique Peña Nieto in Palacio Nacional, Noroña se enfrentó con Federal police officers who treat themselves in the event of an incident, whoever is found to be completely protected by security elements.

For 2016, a postal decision to compete for the Presidency of the Republic, following the decision of the idea to give it a go “Hermanito de lucha de izquierda”, López Obrador, y no dividir a los votantes, según dijo. Pero, during a forum que tuvo in Sao Paulo in 2018, manifests its intentions to participate in the upcoming presidential comics.

How much is Ghana?

In agreement with the Presbytery of the Federation (PEF) by 2021, the federal deputies won a base of 105 miles 378 monthly pesos, 294 miles 879 pesos and benefits, among which were contributions to social security, a now solidarity and the end-of-year gratuity. Everything is sum a total of one million 559 mil 415 pesos per year.

Pero al restar la retention de impuesto sober la renta, lykstaande aan 408 mil 677 pesos, las ganancias de Noroña disminuyen a un tot de un million 150 mil 738 al año.

