Geraldine Bazán’s mother reacts to Irina and Gabriel’s compromise

Rosalba Ortiz, mother of Geraldine Bazán, who entered compromise del ex de su hija, Gabriel Soto and Irina Baeva and express you opinion about the notice.

Although Doña Rosalba has shown off on several occasions in disqualification with Gabriel’s decisions, she has been surprised to learn that the couple has many friends, “Siempre lo he dicho: ‘Dios sabe dónde da y reparte, a quién quita y pone’, así es que congratulations, que tengan manyos hijos o hijas y sean muy felices. Lo digo sinceramente.

I have a very strong comment on his style that he was very happy to announce that he will announce the 14th of February in order to coincide with his first post of review, Respect for Gabriel’s announcement, I think it will be better by February 14, I like it… think that he is due to this ensombrece the star of his telenovela and the public confesses to veces … only hay to be careful with the narcissistic society, comment.

rosalba ortíz geraldine bazán irina baeva compromiso

La mother of Geraldine Bazán It also ensures that the actress is happy and happy to be separated, “He has found his vocation, his congratulations on his marriage and thanks to God for his work”, dijo in a national circulation publication.

Let’s take a look at the compromise:

We note that Gabriel revealed that he had made the first ones to enter into compromise. “Mis hijas (lo tomaron) superbien, stán súper contentas, me dijeron: ‘papá, mientras tú seas feliz …’. It’s that you always say, mientras yo esté feliz and is in peace, miss hijas from a ser feliz. Igual su mamá, mientras ella esté bien, esté en paz, mis hijas van a estar bien ”, commented in an interview with the program ‘Hoy’.

rosalba ortíz geraldine bazán irina baeva compromiso
