Geraldine Bazán breaks the silence over the controversial video of Gabriel Soto

“Mentira … absolutely. Eso sí hay que aclararlo, en ningún moment, nunca en mi relación recibí un video así … lo uniko que puedo decir es que es algo bastante vergonzoso…. ”

Apparently contrary, Bazan assures that this scandal will be marketed in the life of his hens.

“Everything that you can tell you to do in context. The world is that basically no … then it’s a very painful theme or it will have to be confirmed because it will have to have its own ones in the final ones, it will be something that will be seen in its life forever … ”

Geraldine Bazan
Geraldine Bazan and Gabriel Soto.

Finally, although there are no names, Geraldine sends a strong message and pisses respect to his little ones.

“Now that everyone has responsibility for their actions, they are all … no, it’s not me, it’s a force, it’s not, it’s going to be. I’m sorry for not involving me, nor for tampons, but for tampering with tampering with my clothes … ”, concluded.
