Georgina Rodríguez and her smoky decoration for the new year

Georgina Rodríguez turned into one of the most mediocre women of the moment debating the great protagonism she had with his style, beauty and family well-being alongside Cristiano Ronaldo. Recently, we were surprised by his sensual look, which was presumed to be the last haircut followed by the footballer to be named as the best judge of the 2020 Globe Soccer Awards celebrations in Dubai. Without embarrassment, the Spanish model wanted to rob the show to presume the elusive decoration she had mounted in the living room of her house to receive the new one.

Georgina Rodríguez© GettyImages
Georgina Rodríguez presumes the incredible decoration he received to receive the new year

Among the most striking details that resalted in the video he shared in his speeches was a song of dark and white globes that he shared about the floor and the floor of his large residence. In the same way, there are some platinum curtains that he wore at the point of encounter of abrasions and giants of his wives, the ones that are in the happy-go-lucky clip.

Special mention to the globes in the form of the year 2021 that it gives a touch of hope and illusion at the beginning of a new decade that all hopefuls will have much peace and health. Asimismo, the hijo mayor of the Portuguese delantero appears on stage of the most related in the lounge, in the hope of a celebrity known.

Sin lugar a dudas, Georgina is very excited to release this 2020 that has given rise to a period of incontinence due to the propagation of the global pandemic by the coronavirus.

Georgina Rodríguez is a supporter of Cristiano Ronaldo© Custom
The Spanish model has been transformed into an important figure in speeches
