Georgia is the FIFTH state hit by Super-COVID as California cases grow

Georgia becomes FIFTH state with Super-COVID, as California reports 32 cases: a highly contagious strain in the UK spreads rapidly coast-to-coast as younger, 18, without being diagnosed with travel history.

  • The new variant is between 50% and 70% more transferable, scientists say
  • Georgians go to the polls on Tuesday to launch a high-profile Senate election
  • The first American case of the beach was reported in a nursing home in Colorado
  • It has since been discovered in New York, Florida and California.
  • San Diego reported 32 cases of the variant on Tuesday
  • The ‘mutant’ variant of the virus that began to devastate in the UK towards the end of last year forced PM Boris Johnson to announce a third exclusion on Monday

Georgia on Tuesday announced its first case of the ‘mutant’ COVID-19 strain.

The virus is said to have been found in an 18-year-old boy with no travel history. Georgia joins New York, California, Colorado and Florida in all reporting matters.

The new variant is between 50% and 70% more transferable, scientists say.

Georgians on Tuesday cast final votes in elections to determine the balance of power in the new Congress, deciding to secure the Senate’s run-off to determine President Joe Biden’s what may be the most progressive government agenda in generations be.

The first American case of the beach was reported last week in a remote nursing home in Colorado. It has since been discovered elsewhere in the state, as well as in New York, Florida and California.

San Diego reported 32 cases of the variant on Tuesday, bringing the total number of cases in the United States to 37. Wilma Wooten, provincial health officer, said: ‘The fact that these cases have been identified in various parts of the region shows that this virus strain can spread rapidly. ‘

The ‘mutant’ variant of the virus, which began to devastate in the UK by the end of last year, led to an increase in affairs, forcing Prime Minister Boris Johnson to announce a third nationwide shutdown on Monday.

The first American case of the beach was reported last week in a remote nursing home in Colorado.  It has since been discovered elsewhere in the state, as well as in New York, Georgia, Florida and California, with at least 37 people now infected.

The first American case of the beach was reported last week in a remote nursing home in Colorado. It has since been discovered elsewhere in the state, as well as in New York, Georgia, Florida and California, with at least 37 people now infected.

The mutant tribe was picked up on the same day that voters went to Georgia to vote.  Voters will be pictured on January 5, 2021 in Atlanta during the by-elections in Georgia at the Sara Smith Elementary polling station in Buckhead District.

The mutant tribe was picked up on the same day that voters went to Georgia to vote. Voters will be pictured on January 5, 2021 in Atlanta during the by-elections in Georgia at the Sara Smith Elementary polling station in Buckhead District.

Georgia DPH Commissioner Katheen E. Toomey said: “The rise of this variant in our state must be a wake-up call for all Georgians.”

In San Diego, it is said that 24 patients with confirmed viruses have no travel history and that they came from 19 different homes.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo identified Tuesday the New York patient Monday as a male worker in jewelry stores in Saratoga Springs, who is in his 60s. The man did have COVID-19 symptoms, but is ‘recovering’.

He said the state is testing three more possible cases of the strain in Saratoga, as it takes up to 44 hours to do the genome sequence to detect the variant.

Like the first U.S. case of the variant in Colorado, the man had no recent travel history, suggesting a community has spread.

The CDC believes the tension first arose in Britain in September and said last week it suspects it has been spreading in the US for some time.

The strain is thought to be 50 to 70 percent more transmissible, but not more deadly.

The UK's new variant of the virus is not more deadly, but is about 50 percent more contagious.  This graph from different regions of the UK shows how contagious the new super-COVID strain is compared to other virus variants

The UK’s new variant of the virus is not more deadly, but is about 50 percent more contagious. This graph from different regions of the UK shows how contagious the new super-COVID strain is compared to other virus variants

The Empire State previously became the fourth in the country to detect the ‘mutant’ variant of the virus.

Cuomo apparently pushed back on Tuesday against a call from NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to ban all flights from the UK to the US.

The governor has called on the federal government to start imposing mandatory tests on all international passengers arriving in the US, as is already being done with UK travelers.

De-Blasio urged the Trump administration to ‘stop the madness’ and block all travel to and from Britain to stop the further spread of the new super-infectious British variant of the virus.

In the UK, it is now reported that about one in 50 people – or about one million people – now have the coronavirus.

In light of the boom, from December 28, the CDC begins to require all airline passengers arriving from Britain – including US citizens – to test negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours of departure. Unless a twin citizen or traveling for essential purposes, the majority of Britons are currently banned from entering the US.

The United Kingdom is currently battling a second mutant strain of the virus, which is said to be from South Africa, which experts say is resistant to vaccines and possibly more deadly.

The tension has not yet been detected in the US.
