Georgia Elections | Joe Biden | The vital importance of controlling the Congress for the Elected President | APTZ | MUNDO

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During the November elections, the Democrats recapture the White House, maintain control of the House of Representatives, and this week the Senate will hold its own, a political triumph that will empower the new governing body. Joe Biden.

Pese a la polarización del pais, sobre tod tras lo ocurrido el pasad merercoles con el asalto al Capitolio, the next president will attend the Congress of his Ladder in order to succeed in advancing his plans and agenda, and thus overcoming the last four years of Donald Trump.

During the dramatic triumph this week in Georgia, when the reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff consecrated to join the Democrats in the Senate, the distribution of the forces has been reduced to: 50 for the Democrats and 50 for the Republicans. In this situation, the Constitution establishes that the future Vice President, Kamala Karris, who will be the President of the Senate, will take the decisive vote to balance the party. A minimal difference, but enough.

The Democratic candidates in the United States Senate, including Reverend Raphael Warnock (izquierda) and Jon Ossoff, won the Georgia Scores.  (REUTERS / Mike Segar, Brian Snyder).
The Democratic candidates in the United States Senate, including Reverend Raphael Warnock (izquierda) and Jon Ossoff, won the Georgia Scores. (REUTERS / Mike Segar, Brian Snyder).

The summary of Georgia’s import importance and tenure in the Senate on the Barack Obama proposal makes one day: “This is not just about Georgia. It is about the United States and about the world ”.

‘[La derrota en Georgia] is a disastrous epic for the Republican Party with an indefinite date“Signal Matt Mackowiak, president of the party in Travis’ Texas state, who did not hesitate to criticize Trump for blaming his organization for his speech.

What is in the game

With Joe Biden as chief of the White House and with his party controlling both chambers, the president must avoid obstructionism – a practice that is widely used by Republicans – and to ensure that his plans advance with more ease, on all topics such as the presidency, economic estimates, an increase in taxes or the climate change climate. Asimismo, his candidates to form part of the Gabinete series confirmed without inconvenience.

“Taking control of both rooms makes it much more possible for Biden to approve leases. The control of the Senado is important for the pork and confirms that the president and the cabinet are confirmed”Signed by Diario Joel Goldstein, Professor Emeritus of the School of Leyes of the University of Saint Louis, Missouri.

For the duration of these years, Joe Biden will be able to work with more ease with the congressmen of both chambers, while the Democratic Party will hold the majority in the Legislature.  BLOOMBERG
For the duration of these years, Joe Biden will be able to work with more ease with the congressmen of both chambers, while the Democratic Party will hold the majority in the Legislature. BLOOMBERG

“It is up to whom to establish the agenda, decide what is disputed, what is voted and what is down”, has a statement from the Atlanta Journal Constitution el académico Norm Ornstein, del American Enterprise Institute.

Like “The New York Times” is a big part of the economic agenda that Biden’s proposal during the campaign is now in play. Although Biden defines itself as a moderate and centrist democrat, its economic plan is considered progressive, it includes expanding Medicare health insurance, creating more manufacturing companies and promoting limp energy, as well as increasing taxes on the most risky ones. Many of these policies, as well as the means to accelerate a massive evacuation program and increase the economic estimate, can be included in a project of the presumption this year. Assimilation, with the Democrats controlling both chambers of power, will lead the hope of migration reform.

As a matter of fact, this tampon sign means a blank card for the Democrats to have at least a majority in the Senate as well as to negotiate with the Republicans in other aspects where the mayor needs a different vote.

What is the Republican Party like?

Tras lo ocridido elearcoles pasade, en que un turba proTrump asalto el Capitolio, azuzados por el presidential presiote, momentos antes de que el Congreso confirmera a Joe Biden como el proximo mandatorio de Estados Unidos, las fichas en el Republido Partico han variado.

That day, a centenary of Republican congressmen and 13 senators thought it would be unconstitutional to Biden and put objections to the votes of the Electoral College, with the end of withdrawing the number, satisfying Trump and, above all, his electoral base.

The powerful Republican Mitch McConnell will be the leader of the majority of his party in the Senate.  REUTERS
The powerful Republican Mitch McConnell will be the leader of the majority of his party in the Senate. REUTERS

But when the most violent faction of its baseverkiesingsatacó el Capitolio, many of their congressmen decided to march backwards. Sondeverbod, these legislators are following a rabid opposition force that can complicate ‘n Biden.

“Biden wants to persuade the most reasonable or pragmatic Republicans to distance themselves from Trump. “During his years in Congress, Biden always had a conciliator and he negotiated with the Republicans”, signal to El Comercio the political scientist Cynthia Sanborn, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Pacific and current Professor of Political Science. “Although there will be a majority in the Congress, there will also be an aggressive opposition. That’s why you should try to persuade this group to be more reasonable ”.

Meanwhile, Republicans need to reconfigure their forces for the next legislative elections. “The party that does not occupy the presidency will generally take seats in the Chamber of Deputies during the years in which it is governed, while the Republicans will have more seats in the lower chamber in 2022. Moreover, Democrats do not hiccup well. in the legislative quarters in the states. But on the other hand, there are many factors that stand in the way of Republicans, while young and non-white voters tend to favor Democrats; and the women are standing by the Republican Party ”, explains Goldstein.


EUEUU Congress officially confirms Joe Biden’s Electoral Victory

