George Bush: Asalto al Capitolio es algo propio de una ‘banana republica’

Washington, United States

The former Republican of the United States George W. Bush has the image of asalto al Congreso and the son of Washington, ‘repugnantes’ in propias of’ a banana republic ‘, in view of the accusation against Donald Trump, without naming directly, of’ inflamar ‘con “falsedades y falsas esperanzas” a sus partidarios.

Bush, the last Republican president to occupy the White House in Donald Trump’s term in 2017, stated in a statement contemplating “unbelief and consternation” the “chaos scenes” provoked by the congressional hearing protested by miles of partisans of Trump.

“This is how the election results were imposed on a banana republic, not in our democratic republic,” Bush assured in his statement about the violent violence against the Capitol.

“I am appalled by the lack of support for some political leaders since the election and for the lack of respect shown to our institutions, traditions and our security forces. The violin has been violated by the Capitol, and the suspension of its session cuyas pasiones han sido inflamadas por falsedades y falsas esperanzas “, añadió el expresidente.

Biden certification

Antes del asalto al Capitol, Trump has led his followers in Washington’s Congregations on the grounds of the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the elections, and has been accused of making unfounded allegations of electoral fraud.

Bush ended up directing directly to the parties of Trump and the indication that “our country is more important than the politics of the moment” and solicitation that allows “the elected officials by the people to complement their needs and represent our votes in peace and security”.

Miles of followers of Trump, who took part in a rally in Washington in his favor, the Capitol was invited to attend rallies by the President-elect, to convene senators and congressmen to announce Biden’s electoral victory, and to close the building, open waiting rooms and gates .

At least one person in the room will receive a breakdown in the area, informing the authorities.

Despite the fact that local authorities have ordered a quadruple in Washington, some demonstrators appear permanently in the capitals of the Capitol, which are protected by police officers and federal security forces. EFE
