Genshin Impact event calls for players on KFC employees to shout for pens

Genshin Impact is big – big enough to get the ‘promotional fast food tying’ treatment. Chinese KFC locations offer a variety of Genshin Impact-related treats with your purchase, including pens featuring the RPG game Noelle and Diluc. To get a pin, however, you have to yell at unhappy KFC employees, and well, that’s getting weird.

The promotion has been around for a while now, and the bonuses in the game (like a unique glider, which will eventually be available worldwide) were reason enough to grab extra chicken. But this weekend, the promotion also includes some pens you can collect, and players are already ready to get the first one.

The lines apparently became so large that police were called in to break up the crowds, in line with the persistent COVID restrictions. And now yes, this image of a Noelle standing carried away under the flickering lights of a police siren will haunt me until the day I die.

As Asian gaming market analyst Daniel Ahmad explains Twitter, “To get the KFC-themed Diluc and Noelle pens, you need to go to a KFC employee in the store and say out loud ‘meet in another world, enjoy delicious food’. Then you get the pin with your meal. ”

Some players jumped the gun to get the pins, but still take the ‘loud-say’ part very seriously.

Indeed very serious.

This is not the first time that KFC China is playing on promotions. Do you remember FFXIV’s Black Fat Chocobo? Fried chicken and online games are a combination.
