Gemini horoscope – Jueves April 15, 2021 | Horoscopes Gemini

The presence of the Moon in your ascending and descending existence with Marte will allow a very strong sensibility that can channel the action; as for example the artistic creation, the sport, the ownership.

But mainly you can effectively connect to very emotional levels with people in your social circles mediating your energetic development that you are down.

Pronostic of the Day.
The connection of Neptune to Pisces in house 10 with your Moon in the Ascendant will allow you to use your sentimental expressions as a medium of colloquialism in the situations that have been found at the professional level; you will be authentic and sincere today in the world will be very rare in the professional world if you manifest it and be observed and possibly get some good opportunity for success for your professional camp.

Enjoy much sharing your experiences with other people; and more water that connects with your emotions or some success of your subconscious that you are discovering and sharing with your friends.

It is said that the house of gozo, House 5 in Weegskaal; connect with your house 12, the unknown and the occult; por Venus ahí presente.

In other words you will feel very happy and happy sacrificing your emotions and you will not know if you want to make it so good.


Uno de los regentes de Escorpión, Marte; is present in your case 1 and in your case 6 inside the sign of Scorpio we can hope that these are characteristic features of this sign in your Health that can solve any problem such as infection or periodic maintenance of your genital area, Part of body that goberna is signo. Have a check and no pain or the anomaly will go unnoticed.

Vesta sober Escorpión en tu casa 6 nos dice que el home office va a seguir siind tu forma trabajo y esto no va a ser del todo malo pues ya encontraste una gras Adaptaion en tu hogar y tienes ya un rhythm of día y routinas que allow to enjoy the space that habitats. You can be very productive then you are very happy in your home.

Preaching prediction.
You can read to see if you are studying or have preserved friends of your university who are all of you in this medium the person you attract and with whom you want to have a different relationship can Jupiter in case 9 being Sagittarius regent the sign that is in you case 7 we can admit that some old people know or some company will have this person with whom they can share a good romance.

Tu Luna en tu ascendente te connecta con la casa 2 y el signo de Káncer, esto a nivel de dinero nos indica que estarás sintiéndote muy bien trabajando desde hogar y además podrías estar haciendo más lucrative activities like comida, haa articles to your channel, even if it generates more increments.

Sexual Energy:

Amor: Ram, Leo y Sagitario.
Amistad: Gemini, Libra and Aquarium.
Work: Cancer, Scorpion and Fish.

Wenk del Día.
The energy of Pluto about your house 8 in Capricorn will facilitate the changes and transformations in your life. Possibly those who refrain from your work, your metas, your ambitions to decipher examples.

If you are looking for a better job or want to create something new, it is a good time to start. Ask for discipline and fortitude in order to adapt to the fact that your decisions will be very useful in general and in life you will need all the things you need to reform before the meta is reached.

